We have a pipeline in our backyard. You’d never know it’s there except for the airplane that flies overhead and checks on it every once in a while. That, and sometimes they use these really cool black helicopters. Just zoom low right over the house.
If you get a return, you’re not managing your money correctly.
Essentially, you’re banking your money with the biggest con artist and loan shark you can find. You must beg to get your money back and, if he doesn’t like you, he will audit you and potentially throw your backside in jail.
Using “The” before “Ukraine” is wrong linguistically and politically. Don’t do it. It lessens the independence and sovereignty of those people.
Would you say “The Poland” or “The Germany”? How about “The China” or “The America”?
Don’t play into Russian decepto-speak.
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My family loves to give my kids dangerous weapons for Christmas.
My kids have received pop guns (it’s dangerous because after 60 minutes, someone’s gonna get a spanking for annoying dad), knives, bows and arrows, more knives, and other stuff.
This year my boy received a blow gun which is...
While putzing around in the Home Depot, I saw a 150 pack of anchors that every seem to be the rage among cheap gun owners who don't want to spring for snap caps.
Why would you spend $16 on 12 A-Zoom snap caps when you could pick up 150 for less than $6? I'll answer this question towards the...
The first step in suppressing the truth — Romans 1 is clear on this— is eliminating God from your conscience and denying His existence. It’s not that God doesn’t exist, it’s that you don’t want Him to exist. Why?
He demands no other gods before Him. You want to do what you want. You are the...
That’s not evolution. That’s called selective breeding. There is an outside agent acting upon those horses. Evolution says chance makes it happen. Impossible.
The horses on the Outer Banks have been left alone. Guess what—they are still horses. Where’s evolution making them faster and faster...