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  1. F

    NYGF Handgun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Pistols and Revolvers !

    My .38 Special revolvers... Colt Official Police Smith Airweight 642
  2. F

    Hello from Washington Co.

    I grew up in Granville before moving to Saratoga. I miss Washington County sometimes!
  3. F

    WTT Smith and Wesson MP Shield 9MM

    This is a great little gun but I just don't shoot it enough. I figured I would throw it up here for trade and see what happens. It comes with two 7 round mags and three 8 round mags. I have the original box and a holster also. I'm interested in trading for a revolver, rifle, shotgun or whatever...
  4. F

    Hello! From Saratoga County

    Yes you can!
  5. F

    Hello! From Saratoga County

    I still my hunting/target permit
  6. F

    Hello! From Saratoga County

    Thanks for the info!
  7. F

    Hello! From Saratoga County

    Hello everyone, My name is Fred. I've had my pistol permit for a little over a year now. My collection is slowly growing (up to 4 handguns now) and Im working on getting my carry permit. I'm looking to join our local club and get more into rifles as well! I look forward to meeting everyone.