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  1. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    I really don't get this argument when we've seen private hospitals deny care due to vaccination status but we haven't seen that happen with government run hospitals.
  2. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    There were no orders from Cuomo or Hochul to deny anyone care due to vaccination status.
  3. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Ah the old 'if someone won that I don't like it must have been fraud' deal
  4. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    She ran against the Queens Democratic party boss who had been in that seat forever. She was a huge underdog. He had the support of the entire national party and he outspent her by millions.
  5. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    You'll find there are brilliant economists in the Austrian School, Chicago School, and Keynesians and they disagree on quite a bit.
  6. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    The word you're looking for is elected.
  7. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Again, every hospital that denied care to someone due to vaccination status was private. This is actually an argument for government run healthcare, not against it.
  8. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Fair enough. There are definitely two schools of thought on whether or not the federal deficit actually matters and it's effect on inflation.
  9. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Unfortunately I personally don't think any member of Congress from either party has accomplished anything substantial in the past few years AOC included. She has had a positive effect pushing her own party to the left such as with gaining support to ban members from trading stocks and getting...
  10. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    You're not going to get cancelled on a gun forum for saying AOC sounds dumb.
  11. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Yeah it's crazy how the youngest woman to be elected to our Congress in the country's history wasted so much time to become a professional member of society. The old hag.
  12. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Now do a picture of Ted Cruz
  13. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Her father died while she was in college. When she graduated she took on jobs to help her mom, who cleaned houses for a living, pay the bills. She then became the youngest congresswoman in this country's history. When you're well off you graduate with no debt (because mommy and daddy paid for...
  14. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    The only hospitals that did this weren't government run, they were private. A privately owned hospital denied that guy a heart transplant.
  15. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    I'm not trolling if you check out my responses. I'm having an honest discussion about AOC who this thread is about. I have been called a shithead and stupid, told I was on drugs, told I have the same understanding of economics as a potato, and told that my "gray matter was dismissed." But I knew...
  16. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    I feel like we were making progress buddy.
  17. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Medicare already exists, covering millions of the elderly who wouldn't be able to afford healthcare otherwise since nobody has a decent pension anymore and you don't lose coverage for eating red meat, smoking or choosing to be unvaccinated. "And how much better would the Medicare crowd be if...
  18. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Regarding the Amazon tax break since you mentioned that specifically - they were going to be given almost $2 billion in refundable tax credits. Non-refundable tax credits reduce your tax (what you are referring to). Refundable tax credits are actually a check that the state sends Amazon if they...
  19. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    W General we all agree that she's hot. But I'm very close to turning JMac into an AOC Stan.
  20. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Thanks. It would be paid for the same way medicare is paid for now - your taxes. How are the police paid? Taxes. Do you understand?
  21. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    He set me up for that. I had to. Let's not play dumb and pretend like we don't know how taxes and government spending work. Most people who are against Medicare for all have multiple people in their family whose lives would be devistated if they didn't have Medicaid or Medicare but most people...
  22. J

    Any Walther PDP owners?

    No wait, you were right! I was thinking of the new turbo.
  23. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    It would be just as "free" as when you don't have to pay the police out of pocket every time they show up to your trailer because you're beating your wife again. Same way they get paid.
  24. J

    Any Walther PDP owners?

    Very nice. I'm waiting on some tests of the x300 ultra. Might replace my tlr7
  25. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Nothing like jumping onto a gun forum to defend AOC
  26. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Go ahead and give it a shot buddy. Happy to talk economics with you.
  27. J

    Any Walther PDP owners?

    Rmr and x300? Ideal
  28. J

    Any Walther PDP owners?

    I came for a PDP and the Gun Thots sold me a Glock 34 MOS.
  29. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Cool Photoshop man. But there isn't even a joke here.
  30. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    This is funny because she's not a socialist, she (like Bernie) just want people to have free healthcare like the rest of the world does. If that is socialism then aren't all services provided by the government socialism? Doesn't make sense. This is an argument by people who don't know what words...
  31. J

    Any Walther PDP owners?

    Lol subscribed
  32. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    I feel like everyone dunking on her for being a blue collar worker was also in love with the idea of Joe the Plumber because he was a blue collar worker. Same folks convinced themselves Trump was for the common man while he actually was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, sh*ts in literally...
  33. J

    Any Walther PDP owners?

    Grip (at least holding in store) is phenomenal.
  34. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Fair enough! At least you're paying attention. I just can't stand it when people repeat crap they heard on TV and don't bother to look into it. If anyone disagrees with what she actually pushes than you're all entitled to your opinion. I've got no beef with that.
  35. J

    Any Walther PDP owners?

    Looking to upgrade the Glock. Compact 4" feels incredible in hand and the trigger while dry firing is the best I've felt. Any owners with feedback?
  36. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    Ok. So you don't know any of her policies and just don't like her because some talking head on TV or the radio told you not to like her. Got it buddy.
  37. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    You might be new to how politicians raise money but you don't bring money to their office you donate to their campaigns. But if you did want to show up with big bags of cash I guess you could try to bring them to one of her two offices in New York: one in Jackson Heights and one in Queens. Do...
  38. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    I've been here over a year. Don't be a snowflake. Have the balls to hear a different opinion for once. Maybe you'll learn something.
  39. J

    Recommended safe for a Glock 19

    Interesting. Where can I find out more about this?
  40. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    I'd love to know something of substance you all hate about her. Other than you think she's a dummy and you're favorite radio talk show host hates her. I see a 43 page circle jerk of memes. But this started as AOC going after Pelosi. Isn't she better than that old hag who is worth $100 million?
  41. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    I'm not sarcastic. I actually donated to her campaign. She's a true blue collar rep.
  42. J

    Recommended safe for a Glock 19

    Fort Knox Pistol Box
  43. J

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The gift that keeps on giving

    I support AOC. Bartender to congresswoman isn't easy. And I think she actually cares about people.
  44. J

    City of Albany Permit

    The application goes to the city police, city police do background investigation and interview, city judge approves then the county actually issues permit.
  45. J

    City of Albany Permit

    Update: the answer is 35 weeks from submission of application to picking up permit.
  46. J

    City of Albany Permit

    No, the city processes its own, separate from the county. The city of Albany is unique in that way.
  47. J

    City of Albany Permit

    Correct. City of Albany.
  48. J

    City of Albany Permit

    Hi guys - Been enjoying the forum for a while and decided to apply for a permit in the city of Albany. Does anyone have any recent experience with time frames? I'm expecting a very long wait.