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  1. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    Another thing I should mention is that, building collapses aside, there is a measure of uncertainty about exactly what our government knew in advance about the attacks, and how much they deliberately allowed to happen. Even if those 2 planes "did" completely destroy three buildings all by...
  2. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    I'm not sure that bomb sniffing dogs can detect thermite. Couldn't find any credible sources online via quick google search either way, but there is a lot of debate about this point. Also, concerning the elevators, read this in=depth and excellent article...
  3. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    Doubt that the NYPD ever had jurisdiction, something that big.
  4. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    You don't find it odd that the ENTIRE towers were pulverized pretty much into dust? That there was no difference between floors that had been burning and those lower down? I think the damage from the planes was irrelevant, I believe that explosives were set to destroy the support structure on...
  5. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    They needed to completely destroy the buildings of course. And I say "they" but I have no idea if it was our government or another. But if demolitions were used to asymmetrically bring down the building (say, only destroying the levels where the planes hit so the towers would have fallen to the...
  6. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    Let me sum up my own personal major questions about 9/11: Flight 93 - multiple debris fields show it did not crash but was destroyed in midair Building 7 - was not hit by a plane and only had isolated fires on about two floors but totally collapsed in near free-fall into its own footprint WTC...
  7. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    All that fuel just happened to seep through NUMEROUS BURNING floors of the WTC towers and pool ONLY under Building 7?
  8. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    Getting this petition signed doesn't force the Pres. to do anything RIGHT NOW necessarily, but it WILL force the White House to acknowledge the 9/11 truth movement and it WILL show that the American people haven't forgotten, and that we still want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the...
  9. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    I like this forum! At least you guys seem to have come up with good reasons for what you believe. So many people I talk to refuse to believe that our government could lie to us, and that's the only basis for their beliefs. Talk about misplaced faith. First time I've heard about fuel dropping...
  10. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    Funny, that first bit. I did not intend to return here but I can't let that particular insinuation slide, though I can't fault you for being skeptical since you don't know me. Actually Robin, the only forums I have posted on that are off the 9/11 topic are firearms forums, because my fellow...
  11. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    Big evidence... like Building 7, the third tower that went down without being hit by a plane at all? Anyways, I have said my piece here, I think. My job isn't really to convince the sheeple, but to unite those who are awake and alive.
  12. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    A fair point. I should clarify that I do not subscribe to any particular conspiracy theory, in my mind the "evidence" simply demonstrates (quite clearly) that the public has been largely told a fairy tale concerning the 9/11 events. Best of luck with the NFA petition! If you mean this one...
  13. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    No, the majority fallacy would be assuming that if the majority believes something, that it is fact. This petition simply states that the whole truth about 9/11 has never been divulged to the public, and the petition requests a new legitimate investigation into those events. No specific...
  14. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    For ten years I too believed the consensus account of the 9/11 events, until I started reading about WTC Building 7, which was also completely destroyed on 9/11 but never was hit by a plane like the towers were. I don't know if there was a government conspiracy, but I know we were never told...
  15. Jackrabbit

    New Petition - Pres. Trump, please give us a legitimate 9/11 Investigation

    Hi New Yorkers! While I am a fellow responsible firearm owner and enthusiast, I am actually not here to discuss guns on this present visit. I'm here today because we are trying to rally support for a new petition asking President Trump to initiate a legitimate, impartial...