It seems to me that a Physicians Assistant is probably not qualified to assess your mental health. Probably just recording the responses for someone else to review.
Most people don't know that their total cholesterol is made up of their HDL, LDL and 20% of their triglycerides. If your triglycerides are 150 that's 30 points added to the total cholesterol number.
My wife went for a physical with a new doctor last month. As part of the Q & A info gathering, she was asked if there are any guns in the household. Caught off guard by this question she answered yes there are. There were follow up questions on how the firearms and ammo were stored as well as if...
I totally agree with you regarding the type of license that NYS issues and I'm hopeful that the Supreme Court case will be successful. Unfortunately I and others that live in Westchester County have to live under their published restrictions. I've had a NYS CCW for over 30 years and like many...
I should have been clearer that those are the requirements in Westchester County where I reside. Not certain if it's a NYS requirement but here is the info for Westchester County that I've found.
"Regardless of the type of firearm license held, the licensee may legally transport a firearm...
You are quite right as I was quoting Westchester County restrictions regarding transporting a firearm and ammo separately in a vehicle. Since the original poster has a target restriction there's a fairly good chance that similar restrictions might apply where he/she resides. Don't hold me to...
This is my understanding of your restricted 'target' permit which I also hold.
Traveling to and from the range or anywhere else in NYS you must have your firearm unloaded and in a locked case or trigger locked with no ammo. All ammo must also be secured in a separate location in your vehicle...