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  1. DoubleTap308

    Ulster Firearms - New gun shop open

    Thanks for the kind words, we appreciate it! I'm glad I was able to help you out. ! Cam/DT308
  2. DoubleTap308

    Ulster Firearms - New gun shop open

    Nice meeting you today Hex!
  3. DoubleTap308

    Ulster Firearms - New gun shop open

    At the minimum, classes will be held once a month!
  4. DoubleTap308

    Ulster Firearms - New gun shop open

    Couple seats left as of 8 tonight
  5. DoubleTap308

    Ulster Firearms 1989 US-9W, Milton, NY 12547 Phone: (845) 795-3335

    Ulster Firearms 1989 US-9W, Milton, NY 12547 Phone: (845) 795-3335
  6. DoubleTap308

    Ulster Firearms - New gun shop open

    Thanks for stopping in! I was there all day yesterday. Next time introduce yourself, it's good to know how people are finding out about the store Thanks again Camm
  7. DoubleTap308

    Ulster Firearms - New gun shop open

    Actually it WAS enough! If you noticed, the sign has been moved to the actual building. Town said it was no bueno. I guess looking at rusted truck trailers is ok as long as the word GUN isn't involved! anyway. I finally found this forum, I think through a post on the FB page. People call me...