glock 26

  1. Will556

    Agency and TTI Installed

    The Agency Syndicate trigger and the TTI Grand Master Connector Kit came in. I plan on installing it into my Glock 19 (which is currently out getting some framework done to it) so I installed it into my Glock 26 to see how it is. It’s much nicer than the factory Glock trigger and springs. I did...
  2. T

    F/S Gen 4 Glock 21

    Gen 4 Glock 21 Glock 26 Glock 19 etc It has had less than 50 rounds through it and comes with an extended slide stop, grip plug, Ghost Ultimate 3.5# trigger connector with spring kit, 3 factory magazines and all the factory accessories. $525. No trades please and buyer pays transfer fee.