
  1. MikeyCNY

    Safariland Shake-Up - going down in quality?

    Stumbled upon this thread over at - Basically they moved production to Mexico and quality has gone down. A bunch of their employees from California have made a new holster company - US Duty Gear - that appear...
  2. MikeyCNY

    Up to 40% off Safariland gear with code SPRINGTRAINING40

    I picked up a Model 7378 7TS™ ALS® for my M&P 9 2.0 with TLR-1HL for $42 and change, damn good price (originally $71).. I tried adding a few more things to get free shipping (w/ $75 order) but didn't really see anything I wanted/needed, still only $6 S&H. edit: My confirmation email was sent...