CNN, the Most Busted Name in Television will soon pay the price for becoming a propaganda site, and most, if not all of their commentators will be put out to pasture because there are only so many that MSNBC, the NYT, and the WaPo can absorb.
CNN On Verge Of Collapse … Mass Firing Of On Air...
Elon Musk, who has been called both a patriot and a villain, continues to move forward with his $4.4 billion hostile takeover of Twitter.
Elon Musk Would Reverse Trump Twitter Ban, Calling it Morally Wrong
I am not sure what to make of Truth Social yet. Rumors are that Trump encouraged Elon Musk to purchase Twitter and, once it happened, expressed contentment to stay on his own platform instead of hopping back ogver to his tens of millions of loyal followers.
Bigly: Donald Trump Drops First...
Trump, RNC Win Round Against NAACP over Election Result Challenges
Former President Donald Trump, his campaign, and the Republican National Committee won a round on Friday in federal court against the NAACP and associated plaintiffs, who sued over Trump’s efforts to challenge the vote count in...