20×102mm Vulcan
State Rep. Yarbrough proposes '2A sales tax holiday' for gun-related purchases
To round out the second week of the legislative session, State Rep. Ernie Yarbrough (R-Trinity) introduced HB277, the "2nd Amendment Sales Tax Holiday" Act, which would create a tax break from Memorial Day to the July Fourth holiday exempting all firearms, ammunition and hunting accessories from sales taxes.
Businesses will not be required to participate; the bill offers the ability to opt in if desired. But smaller retailers, in particular, could see a bump in sales that helps increase their revenues.
"The majority of Alabamians cherish their Second Amendment rights, and creating the holiday between the two major holidays where Americans honor those who have died in service to our country and where the foundation of our county was established will "promote a spirit of patriotism," Yarbrough said.
Mississippi has offered a 2nd Amendment sales tax holiday since 2013. Louisiana had a sales tax holiday in place but suspended it in 2018. In 2023, the legislature chose to re-enact it. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has floated a Second Amendment sales tax holiday in his state's 2025-26 budget, which is subject to legislative review and approval.

State Rep. Yarbrough proposes '2A sales tax holiday' for gun-related…
To round out the second week of the legislative session, State House Rep. Ernie Yarbrough (R-Trinity) introduced HB277, The “2nd Amendment Sales Tax…