So check this out, from my mission I was on we stayed at a hotel, the hotel gives you points for every day so at the end of the mission I redeemed all my points it had $925 worth of Cabela gift cards so I bought a gun, 500 rounds of ammo, and a rangefinder and I still have $200-300 left. I don’t have a 22 yet so I bought a Henry 22. I wanted to get a bigger caliber but they didn’t have any others.
The range finder was $200
ALSOOOOOOOO, just bought 840rds of green tip ammo on TSUSA yesterday… that was damn near $1 per round!! Fucking crazy!

The range finder was $200
ALSOOOOOOOO, just bought 840rds of green tip ammo on TSUSA yesterday… that was damn near $1 per round!! Fucking crazy!