20×102mm Vulcan
Breitbart Releases Paul Ryan Audio: “I Am Not Going To Defend Trump – Not Now, Not In The Future”…
Well, it would appear our hunch was correct.
If Trump was going to pull off a “reverse Castellano’s“, Caesar needed Brutus to feel comfortable enough to come close…
The problem for Speaker Ryan was a lack of muti-dimensional situational awareness, and the abject inability to escape President Trump’s political gravity. Breitbart Media, with transparent coordination between Matthew Boyle, Steve Bannon and President Trump delivers the shiv right on cue.
Breitbart Releases Paul Ryan Audio: “I Am Not Going To Defend Trump – Not Now, Not In The Future”…
Well, it would appear our hunch was correct.
If Trump was going to pull off a “reverse Castellano’s“, Caesar needed Brutus to feel comfortable enough to come close…
The problem for Speaker Ryan was a lack of muti-dimensional situational awareness, and the abject inability to escape President Trump’s political gravity. Breitbart Media, with transparent coordination between Matthew Boyle, Steve Bannon and President Trump delivers the shiv right on cue.
Breitbart Releases Paul Ryan Audio: “I Am Not Going To Defend Trump – Not Now, Not In The Future”…