Why are we even giving a shit what that old crone says? She is over, done, history. The media seems to trot her out once a week to say some ignorant shit, then hey toss her back into her casket to rest until they need her again. She is irrelevant. It is time for her to slink off into the shadows with the rest of history's losers.
She's a lying sack of shit. Every bit of her handling of emails was illegal. She improperly stored, transmitted and disclosed classified information. She directed her staff to do the same. Then she lied about it. Then she destroyed evidence. Then she lied about it again.
Trump was right. That piece of shit hag should be in jail.
I take a great amount of satisfaction knowing that she wakes up every morning and has to come to grips with the fact she lost to Trump. It must drive her crazy.
I have no idea what Sessions is waiting for. So many grand juries to be seated (Clintons, Holder, Lynch, Comey) and so little time until the MSM and the dummies give Congress back to the Democraps.