.950 JDJ

9 rounds for one guy.5 shots fired at or into the perp, and the perp still ended up within knife's reach of the cop. Then it appeared the cop's pistol jammed. It looked like he banged the magazine, racked the gun, and fired off another 4 rounds at the perp before the perp went down.
In the comment section some law enforcement discussion covered some freeze frame review and visually concluded every round hit target based in part on her weapon light flashing with each round and showing appropriate shot placement. I personally do not know if her vest cam has that resolution but the internet videos posted sure don't. Hell, they were discussing details about the ejected brass too, I must be getting old man eyes since I can barely make out the brass plating on my phone.I dont know, but it looks like none of the rounds prior to the jam hit him.
One LEO comment that made sense was that her clearing of the jam [after the thug (who just critically stabbed a 77 year old over wearing a mask in a convienient store) grabbed the Glock's slide] was a testament to the 22 year police veteran's training and with that in mind it is unlikely she had many rounds miss target.I dont know, but it looks like none of the rounds prior to the jam hit him.
Watch it at .25 speed. The pistol jams before the bad guy grabs it and during the scuffle the slide goes forward, she then clears the malfunction.One LEO comment that made sense was that her clearing of the jam [after the thug (who just critically stabbed a 77 year old over wearing a mask in a convienient store) grabbed the Glock's slide] was a testament to the 22 year police veteran's training and with that in mind it is unlikely she had many rounds miss target.
Yes, yes and yes. I have learned many things since I purchased my first gun and this is one of them.This is not the movies. People do not drop with one round in real life.
Well aware of this,I was basing my observation on the fact that there was no reaction from the perp after each shot.This is not the movies. People do not drop with one round in real life.
Well aware of this,I was basing my observation on the fact that there was no reaction from the perp after each shot.
Wait, it's not? next you're going to tell me that flicking your wrist when pulling the trigger doesn't really add FPS to the bullet? SAY IT AINT SO!... Too often, people think that real life is equal to what they see on TV.
So when can the white people riot over police brutality?