And Assange will make room for you in the Hondurian embassy...or wherever it is that he's hanging out. Government spying on its citizens and generally running amok, the FBI in the pocket of crooked politicians, Hillary and her equally morally bankrupt, lying, rapist of a husband poised to take the White House. This is such a sad state of affairs...They'll make movies about you.
I was sort of hoping that if she loses this bid that the democratic party will out her out to pasture... They don't usually run losing candidates a third time do they?No surprise at all. That's the federal government for you, Obama, and Cuomo. She may get it some day. At some point she can only hide for so long.
I won 't hold my breath. There are sweet .GOV pensions on the line. FBI has been a corrupt organization for generations. Hell, the last time a Clinton was president, this is the agency that found it perfectly acceptable to barbecue innocent women and children, and execute a mother holding her baby. Tell me exactly how many agents were jailed, fired or even reprimanded for that?
Exactly what they're hoping on, and unfortunately I feel the same as you wrote..I advise you all to ignore this FBI email stuff. Nothing will ever come of it. We got screwed, we need to move on.
Isn't that what social programs are generally all about? Payoffs?Anyone that thinks that most any part of Government, Congress or anything above citizens (except the few and true) are not owned and corrupt, are living right HERE...