Shadow rider
6.5 Creedmoor
11:30pm Friday night under a brilliant full moon. Both of us using suppressed 7.62 ARs with thermal scopes.We counted to three and both shot, he was about 80 yards out and all by himself. One hit just above the eye into the brain pan and the other just forward of the shoulder directly int the kill zone! He dropped like a sack of potatoes right where he stood! What a blast. We stayed out until 4am and only shot 2 boar hogs. Apparently they are very wary on full moonlit nights. The second one (on the truck rack) was chasing a sow with 4 piglets but they spooked when we shot the boar.
The big one had 3.5" cutters and I would guess weighed in around 300lbs. It would have made a great mount (but for lack of funds and the flight back to NY)! The second one was maybe 150 lbs.

The big one had 3.5" cutters and I would guess weighed in around 300lbs. It would have made a great mount (but for lack of funds and the flight back to NY)! The second one was maybe 150 lbs.