The glaring number in the presidential job approval rate is Trumps 40% to Biden’s 42% . President Trump had 24/7 fake bad press , where’s Brandon the press covers up all they can for him, and he still can’t get his percentage up.
Most people that I know who voted for Biden don't seem to especially like him, and generally don't claim to have ever liked him. They tend to say simply that 'orange man bad'(paraphrasing) and they would have voted for anyone who wasn't Trump.
I get it too. I never liked Trump, but I did think something like, "anyone but Hillary" in 2016.
I think his poll numbers will drop even farther. He’s gotten a little bump because he passed the inflation reduction act and it will do none of the sort. He’s gotten a quick bump by the environmentalists because he passed the inflation reduction act, but since other energies are so costly, and yes it’s his fault, more coal is being burned.
Inflation and interest rates continue to climb. Gasoline prices will be rising and the threat of nuclear war is looming. You have a president speaking to the dead, talking to the teleprompter, and shaking hands with thin air. He clearly has dementia. My grandma does and she talks to her dead sister regularly. Production is slowing, costs are rising, people will start getting laid off, and homes and cars will get repossessed soon. The last statement might not happen prior to the mid-terms but all else will.
Biden has been wrong or lied to us about everything. He has no successes and people will see that.