It's ironic how the "Peace-nix's" of the 60's & 70's with their "give peace a chance" mantra opposing Viet-Nam and the Cold War with Russia have turned to demanding the US actively fund and even Fight in Wars outside our Borders against countries we hold no allegiance with, but alas Democrats are famous for their duplicity.Remember, PBS gets funding form outside sources too...........corporate, individuals, Amazon Prime.............cut the Peter Paul and Mary jerks off at the knees.....they live in the 1960's when the Vietnam War was hot.
Soviet influence on the peace movement - Wikipedia
Anti war singers, like PPM, Tom Dooley's song, Hootenanny, and going forward, were all soviet tools..............laughing
Just like the scientists paid by the democrat controlled government: give us the results we want or we'll de-fund you.The old excuse for funding them was because they were commercial free. But they have had ads for years and years now. Pull the funding for these hypocrites. If they can't survive without the government funds they don't deserve to.
Also stopped tariffs on automakers for 30-daysTrump said he plans on a balanced budget
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