every major nation in the world has this capability - we make our hacking look like russia or china, china makes it look like us, etc. For all we know, these could be china releasing docs made to look like it was from the CIA. In the cyber world there really isn't any way of knowing who is really behind what without the human intelligence part.
Thanks for posting this Dr. Evil, this was also alluded to in the "vault 7" release, anyone who trusts the government is full-blown retarded.
This was a total inside job, frame Russia, and then begin a campaign of Red Scare 2.0, the funny thing is most people younger than 35 have no clue about the Cold War, or fearing Russia.
Sean Hannity is intelligent enough to realize Assange is doing a public service trying to wake Americans and the world up to the plot of the globalists, this is no joke, whether you like Assange or not, he has shown the massive collusion between: agendas, the media, the "news," coverage, and politicians of BOTH parties then piling on like brain-dead automatons.
Today Trump is the target, tomorrow it will be the 2nd Amendment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.