20×102mm Vulcan
Google and Facebook have now made it possible to find photos of firearms by simply typing a serial number into the search box. Earlier today, the automotive website Jalopnik published a story showing how license plate numbers are evidently scanned using optical character recognition (OCC) on Google images, allowing them to be searchable using text queries. Using the OCC hypothesis, TFB wondered if this image data mining technique might be able to be used to search for firearm serial numbers. Using images posted previously on TFB with serial numbers displayed on firearms, we tested the serial number search technique. As you can see from the results below, firearm serial numbers are in fact part of this apparent large-scale data mining operation by companies like Google and Facebook.
NOTICE: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers
Google and Facebook have now made it possible to find photos of firearms by simply searching for a serial number. A story today showed that photos of cars could be found by searching for license plate numbers. It appears the same is now also true of firearm serial numbers.