20×102mm Vulcan
October Gun Sales Second Highest On Record
The number of firearms flying off of store shelves may have slowed a bit compared to the blistering pace set back in the summer of 2020, but gun sales are still well above their historical averages according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The firearm industry trade group has released its adjusted NICS figures for the month of October, and they’re pretty eye-popping.According to NSSF, there were 1,427,264 guns sold at retail last month, which is the second-highest sales figure ever recorded for the month of October. The highest total, of course, came last year, when more than 1.7-million guns were sold. Last month’s figures are an almost 20% decline compared to last year, but the 1.4-million sales absolutely dwarf the October numbers of 2019 and 2018, which is an indication that Americans are still turning to self-defense as violent crime and homicide rates spiral upwards from Portland to Philadelphia.

October Gun Sales Second Highest On Record