This Rape Survivor Has POWERFUL Pro-Gun Message for Women Everywhere
Mar 13, 2017 #1 Dr. Evil 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 36,813 Reaction score 78,552 Location My Underground Lair This Rape Survivor Has POWERFUL Pro-Gun Message for Women Everywhere
Mar 13, 2017 #2 B Bob 6.5 Creedmoor Messages 2,481 Reaction score 4,827 Location Livingston Kimberly Corban is an amazing woman. She had the privilege of calling out Obama on his anti-gun policies. He, naturally, blew her off. She also participated in a powerful panel discussion with Katie Pavlich during CPAC.
Kimberly Corban is an amazing woman. She had the privilege of calling out Obama on his anti-gun policies. He, naturally, blew her off. She also participated in a powerful panel discussion with Katie Pavlich during CPAC.