The following link may seem a small thing, but is is symptomatic of the death of integrity, empathy and common sense by leftist bottom feeders.
Joss Whedon....let me wind up the swear a low-life earthworm anus fucking, schistosome cock sucking, shit weed that needs to be bitch slapped until he curls into the useless insignificant ball of tapeworm shit that he is.
Loved Firefly and Serenity, but his weird ass Trump Disorder Syndrome symptoms are vile, and showing he's a total sociopath.
Joss Whedon - you are mentally ill, mind fucked, and completely separated from reality.
Shut the fuck up, you asshole!!!
Hollywood Director Joss Whedon Sexualizes, Mocks Young Cancer Survivors Meeting with Paul Ryan - Breitbart
Joss Whedon....let me wind up the swear a low-life earthworm anus fucking, schistosome cock sucking, shit weed that needs to be bitch slapped until he curls into the useless insignificant ball of tapeworm shit that he is.
Loved Firefly and Serenity, but his weird ass Trump Disorder Syndrome symptoms are vile, and showing he's a total sociopath.
Joss Whedon - you are mentally ill, mind fucked, and completely separated from reality.
Shut the fuck up, you asshole!!!
Hollywood Director Joss Whedon Sexualizes, Mocks Young Cancer Survivors Meeting with Paul Ryan - Breitbart