As strange as it is, TDS is a for real phenomenon.
I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it for myself, but I can say the same thing about the covid scamdemic. But here we are, living in the Clown World era.
I get that people have different opinions, different agendas, beliefs, wants and needs. But Trump isn't a tHrEaT tO dEmOcRaCy and he's not fucking literally Hitler, that's just factually unfounded and pure bullshit. It's probably one of the stupidest things that I have ever heard. The leftists who believe the propaganda are obviously a bunch of window lickers.
I hope everything goes smooth on Monday for him. I'm really glad he's going to be inside that day too. Better protection from the crazies.
It's gonna be cold outside too down in DC with this cold wave. Hopefully the cold weather will be a blessing and keep these rioters and activists away....