Agreed, im not falling for the leftist media narrative. Trump is a strategic thinker. The bombing in syria, and Afghanistan is all about thinking 3 moves ahead. China is getting in line, which helps bring russia (and its allies, ie: iran, syria, and NORTH KOREA) to heal.
The media is still playing checkers while Trump, and his team are playing chess.
Trump has done some pretty wonderful things since taking office.
Kind of funny that this Egomaniac Billionaire is becoming the true President of the People.
He has recinded 17 Executive Orders in regards to firearms alone. Some small ones, some rather large and important ones.
Without even building a wall, Illegal Migration is down almost a third in the past three months.
He is changing the landscape of our Federal Courts. Not only SCOTUS, but all levels of the Courts.
In three months, there are other Countries that are beginning to respect the might of the Office. He is indeed a man of his word. He has not gotten everything through yet, but he will continue to try.