.450/400 Nitro Ex
For those of you in the Ulster County/Mid Hudson Valley/Catskill region, the Ulster County Chapter of SCOPE will be having a holiday meeting on December 14 at 6:00pm at the Hurley Mountain Inn, 106 Old Route 209 in Hurley, NY. RSVP's are required (see flyer for details).
I'm going to try to make it. Might be a nice opportunity meet some folks in person, have drink, and celebrate the season so I thought I'd pass this along. The original email I got said it was open to anyone, not just SCOPE members.
I'm going to try to make it. Might be a nice opportunity meet some folks in person, have drink, and celebrate the season so I thought I'd pass this along. The original email I got said it was open to anyone, not just SCOPE members.