Recent content by camper4lyfe

  1. camper4lyfe

    Trail cam pics

    I got a trail cam for Christmas and set it up in the backyard. The deer love our apple tree, and apparently the coyotes now do too.
  2. camper4lyfe

    Honeoye Fish & Game Club

    My wife actually discovered that she's friends with someone that's a member there that would sponsor us. If I end up actually following through (damn ADHD, I swear, I suck at following through) and getting a membership there, I'd be happy to sponsor you.
  3. camper4lyfe

    Honeoye Fish & Game Club

    I was actually a member at LGC years back. A neighbor hooked me up with the membership back before the ranges were locked down and all that. It was a decent range, but I never got into the meetings and stuff and let my membership lapse.
  4. camper4lyfe

    First Hunting Gun, For Youth

    I ended up getting an email from sportsman warehouse about a sale they’re having. I ended up getting a Tristar Cobra III 20ga pump. It’s not top of the line by any stretch of the imagination, but it should get him going for a while.
  5. camper4lyfe

    transferring a pistol from deceased relative? Procedure?

    Contact Andrea Bailey. She's super fast at responding every time I've contacted her with questions. County Clerk | Livingston County, NY - Official Website
  6. camper4lyfe

    Dash Cams & Stopped School Buses

    So this video gives you something to think about when you're thinking about getting a dash cam.
  7. camper4lyfe

    Honeoye Fish & Game Club

    Yeah. I got the sense from the instructors (volunteers from the club) were pretty annoyed with many of the current laws, though there was some hedging toward FUDD a couple times. I'll have to find a sponsor, but I'll probably pull the trigger on it sooner rather than later.
  8. camper4lyfe

    Harris Plagiarized Book - NYT Tried To Cover It Up

    The fact that she quoted Wikipedia is absolutely hilarious.
  9. camper4lyfe

    Where do the laws currently stand?

    I did see that the other day, so that's a win for now, which got me trying to figure out where the rest of the stuff stands.
  10. camper4lyfe

    Honeoye Fish & Game Club

    My son recently took his hunter safety course at the HF&GC and at the end, they talked to us about membership to the club and how reasonably priced it is ($40-$45/yr family rate). I'm curious if anyone has ever been a member there, and if it's worth doing, or any other experiences with the club.
  11. camper4lyfe

    Where do the laws currently stand?

    I'll admit I've pulled away from shooting a bit because things have just gotten so damn complicated as of late with the new laws and the back and forth rulings. It's mind boggling to keep track of. Is there a resource out there to help track/understand not only the laws, but the ongoing...
  12. camper4lyfe

    Ridiculous or Not - SOCOM 458 (30 rounder)

    This screams for a helicopter and a bunch of feral hogs.
  13. camper4lyfe

    First Hunting Gun, For Youth

    Both can happen at the same time. He has a year before he can hunt, hence looking to get him his own.
  14. camper4lyfe

    First Hunting Gun, For Youth

    In doing some digging, the Mossberg 510 mini super bantam looks like a solid choice. I'm leaning shotgun because while we live in a rifle county, slugs are still an option. Couple that with the flexibility of the adjustable LOP, and the fact that it can accept 500 stocks (possibly 500 barrels...
  15. camper4lyfe

    First Hunting Gun, For Youth

    I do plan on throwing some target load in that for him to try some bigger bang than he's used to. I have some rifled slugs for it as well, but I'm hesitant to have him use this gun for it just because of the single bead sights. It'll be a challenge for him to aim it. BUT, it's not out of the...