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  1. Z

    Iran will have Nuclear Bomb in 2 weeks

    Israel HAS to neutralize Iran before it gets nuked......Iran would likely hit Tel-Aviv with a low yield device, trying to save Jerusalem for the follow up strike if necessary. So...............hitting the Ayatollah may happen today.......................tick tick tick........... we all can...
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    DEI Air Force The DEI approach to training and staffing aircrews, has hit a new low........... in the recruitment of morons, monkeys and other drug ridden trash in the spirit of...
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    Kamala Harris Says Freedom Means Banning AR-15s, National Gun Registry, & Red Flag Laws

    LIbs twist meanings..the "Republic and Democracy" really means........... totalitarian Socialism and imprisonment/confiscation............... of all private property.......... Freedom means slavery "Protect Democracy", means to kill all armed MAGA and confiscate all weapons that might be used...
  4. Z

    What are Kamala's strengths, according to the left?

    She hates ICE, and BP/Customs and wants to open the border entirely. She called ICE, the KKK for harassing illegals. She hates all police and only minorities that way can get a fair shake at your stuff. She is a total communist, left of Bernie Sanders. She may have been in on the assassination...
  5. Z

    Iran will have Nuclear Bomb in 2 weeks

    It is going to happen................
  6. Z

    Chuckie Schmuck endorses Heels Up Harris, - and NO ONE CLAPS! NOBODY! See the video! Incredible!

    Harris little more than a 50 year old virtual political corpse, who they dug up, who could not get a single delegate vote in 2020.......... a deranged person, LIKE THE JOKER'S LAUGHING............who is severely developmentally disabled.............. and a total communist freak.... It is...
  7. Z

    NY Supreme Court judge needs to be removed after ‘racially offensive, profane’ display at party, says state

    Today, law school teaches cannibalism and outlawism vs many majority groups............ as the normal way to handle an overlord run society, and the law is dead the ignorant and profane and criminal bastards who knaw on the human bones of justice.
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    Armed robbery at Brockport Walmart

    Meat should be checked out at the meat counter, like at a meat or GTFO........... TV's more minority shuffle out the door with goods. We all pay for it in higher prices.
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    Iran will have Nuclear Bomb in 2 weeks

    Netanyahu is in DC now, and is being dissed by the Dems...............they hate Israel. Anti Israeli demonstrations are slated today for DC in full riot mode...........pillage and burn by the dems. Israel will likely deploy the Sampson Solution has to do so.....that means a nuking of...
  10. Z

    Chuckie Schmuck endorses Heels Up Harris, - and NO ONE CLAPS! NOBODY! See the video! Incredible!

    "Hahahahahahah.........ahhh, hahhaaa", says Kamala.
  11. Z

    Sheila Jackson Lee, longtime Texas congresswoman, Passed away at 74

    George Washington's quote, on just where SJL came from: "The tumultuous populace of the large cities are to be dreaded. There indiscriminate violence prostrates for all time, public authority and civility, and its consequences are extensive and terrible." She is a product of the thieving...
  12. Z

    Ghost Donors

    FEC says kamala cannot legally have the $100 million Biden war chest..........................and will rule so after election. The entire DNC is a septic tank...................... full of rotting pig manure.
  13. Z

    The final days: How Biden and his inner circle blew it

    THEY HAVE TO MAKE HER POTUS,.......................very very soon. IT IS IMPERATIVE.............. as this laughing fool........... HAS NO CREDIBILITY at all. Kamalomics, open borders, inflation will doom her, but is she serves as POTUS for a few months it is possible a few more votes may come...
  14. Z

    Armed robbery at Brockport Walmart

    Self protection is best..................if the perp had tried to rob the gun owner, a shot to a vital area would have been considered justified, but discharging a handgun inside a market gets you 25 years to life. The homeless, BLM, Illegals, regularly conceal meats and foods under their...
  15. Z

    Troopers locate illegal handguns in a vehicle following a traffic stop in the town of Mamakating

    Speeding..................................I recently drove the speed limit in my hot rod, just coming back across the State Line, from a Pa run................gotta follow the rules......... trooper followed me for 10miles and then slowly passed me................ That arrested couple is being...
  16. Z

    State Police arrest Howes Cave man for gun possession

    If he was not a felon, criminal or an illegal,............. in the 42 free states, he would only have been arrested for menacing, not for not having a pistol permit, ...................that is unconstitutional to require for simple handgun possession, according to Bruen...
  17. Z

    Albany Man Arrested for manufacturing ghost guns

    All Legal on the other side of the Iron Curtain............. Think he used the Internet to purchase parts? SOB!!!!!!!
  18. Z

    The final days: How Biden and his inner circle blew it

    He may have been................ "DIED"........................ Until I see him alive and withdrawing.......................his bro frank says he only a a short time left alive?? A CHEF SOLUTION??? WAS HE ALMOST TOTALLY DROWNED, IN A TUB, BY OBAMA?
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    RNC Convention

    About ten minutes into the speech, SPECTRUM cut all TV/I-NET cable feed to this area...............but on this am........... HMMMMMM
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    Last night on Newsmax, Greg Kelley stated, that based upon Liz Cheney's own book.................. that she maintains ties with the SS................ and she supplies them with ideas........that she might be behind the plot to kill Trump, thru her friendship with the defective SS director...
  21. Z

    JD Vance For VP

    Vance, based upon his life and words is probably destined to become POTUS in 2028. No one is perfect but he is beyond "OK". Libertarians and Librarians are generally in the same loser category...........never win nuttin The fact that he was raised in a home, by his Grandmother, who kept 19...
  22. Z

    Prosecutors dropping some Jan. 6 obstruction charges after Supreme Court ruling

    Lawless Murderous Garland and Biden, share the same pair of used depends, and share the same legal opinions about how to set up a corrupt lawless gang run empire... I expect Trump to be arreTed by Garland or Biden and jailed soon......................FOR BEING ALIVE. SCOTUS intended for ALL...
  23. Z

    Biden attempting to force change to the Judiciary Branch of Gov't

    Biden has just nominated, "Morning Joe" and "Mika"................... to the SCOTUS........................ Get your attention? Law has nothing to do with Democracy, The Constitution, the BOR, or the Republic. Trump is an existential threat, to a communist run, elite backed, Deep State...
  24. Z

    Elon Musk Has Said He Is Committing Around $45 Million a Month to a New Pro-Trump Super PAC

    This will piss of the never Trumpers and Libertarians here, to no end.
  25. Z

    Judge Tosses Trump Document Case

    His authority to investigate the Biden documents case........... is the same as Jack Smiths...............non existent.................a PRIVATE CITIZEN. Garland is apparently so stupid that he believed that he could write his own law.....LIKE THE FRAME AND RECEIVER RULE...... ARROGANCE...
  26. Z

    America is not ready for what comes next (opinion piece from clown world)

    They missed.......................if we were awaiting the outcome of a mortally wounded Trump in the hospital.........I feel that the leftists would have felt emboldened.................and SCOTUS justices would be hit..setting it all off.
  27. Z

    Judge Tosses Trump Document Case

    Garland that stooge of stooges, IS that stupid................he can now try to hand the case over to a REAL US Atty in Fla. However the authority to even investigate the case is now in question. Congress did not authorize such an investigation at all. All the so called evidence, has to be...
  28. Z

    President Trump shot

    Bottom line.........................THEY MISSED Benny N Thompson , introduced a bill to strip Trump of SS protections. All part of the long term"plan"...
  29. Z

    President Trump shot

    Bottom line.........................THEY MISSED Benny N Thompson , introduced a bill to strip Trump of SS protections. All part of the long term"plan"...
  30. Z

    Biden mistakenly calls Zelenskyy 'President Putin' at NATO event

    Kamela Khruschev says .............................."WE WILL BURY YOU".
  31. Z

    Haverstraw PD: Man shot while driving vehicle dies at hospital

    Yandie Martinez, with MS 13 type neck tattoos............... is being sought as the shooter of the dead man he was sent to kill.............possibly two illegals and drug sales involvement..............$$$$$$$$$
  32. Z

    Buffalo cop shoots & kills driver,- will there be undeserved riots?

    The angles involved, with an officer hanging off the car door, means that the perp may have been shot in the left eye, neck, left hip/balls, left leg, left shoulder/arm, and other bullets went thru the roof/windshield. The one in his hip/balls got his attention Verminicide. Gun under the...
  33. Z

    Joint Investigation Leads to Four Arrested in Stolen Military Equipment

    That simply means he built or acquired a gun that had too many evil features. That is a felony in NYS. MRE may have also been stolen....... The community stabilization unit................. is watching you. Only 43,000 AWs were registered in NYS................out of 3million estimated...
  34. Z

    Idaho Central Credit Union says members can't use their own money to buy guns or ammo!

    Being directed by the DNC, Banks have been encouraged for years to ban such purchases and it is all coming out of the DNC today in spades..ban the ammo purchases in say, NYS.......see it???..................... Commies, filth, murderers, outlaw lawyers and judges..all commie.......thieves con...
  35. Z

    Muslim preacher calling for the re-establishment of ISIS in order to commit genocide against non-Muslims in Europe They are right behind you, right now...............Crusader
  36. Z

    Interesting find on the FEC website (trump statement of candidacy)

    General Flynn should become Trumps AG, and operator of the new Gitmo prison for traitors.
  37. Z

    Small bottle ban takes effect in NYS in 2026

    The unused bottles were almost 100% taken by employees. Not much of a threat to the environment but it opens the door to plastic bans like on cheese slices, dildos, and Glocks.
  38. Z

    Antonyuk, Ivan Et Al. V. James Et Al. GVR'd by SCOTUS on 2 July 2024

    Phillips,acted like all members of Congress, the Deep State, CEO's, most for profit and non profit orgs, most state and county workers, especially the elected ones like Fanny Willis, Jack Smith, Garland, Chutkin, Engoron. Merchan and thousands of others...........campaign contributions are the...
  39. Z

    Eminent domain might occur to make the Micron plant happen in Clay, NY

    SCOTUS decided that the Indians waited to long to get their land back free... LACHES..............but could expand their holdings by BUYING UP THE LAND, which many tribes have done......... Taxes not due on any of it..............that is why the Res has its own almost...
  40. Z

    Rockland two arrested; illegal firearms and parts seized

    Fed Frame and Receiver law, specifies that components must be serialized to gun...un-enforcable, but there it is.................unconstitutional, but selectively enforced as part of LE arsenal to de-gun, gunners.
  41. Z

    Joint Investigation Leads to Four Arrested in Stolen Military Equipment

    They went after the buyers, according to the article............ Imagine you are living in France during WWII................Internet sales, and posts, are an LE asset. You are being monitored.......... and it is getting worse...................tracking software is what the Internet depends...
  42. Z

    Eminent domain might occur to make the Micron plant happen in Clay, NY

    The Micron Plant will exist tax free without any property or State Income taxes for decades.............only the employees will pay all the normal taxes.....................and I suspect that the jobs will not be as high paying as predicted.............. due to automation,,,,,,,,,,,Skynet will...
  43. Z

    Joint Investigation Leads to Four Arrested in Stolen Military Equipment

    Another group, of under educated, ignorant morons, who use the Internet, and do not think that "Observers", are also watching. Before the Internet, the mafia used to stay in business stealing from Griffiss AFB, Plattsburg, AFB and other military installations, like the Natl Guard Armories that...
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    SCOTUS 2A cases update as of 07/02/2024

    It takes AS a month or more to post news, that is easily understood, and posted about immediately, after decisions are announced.............
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    Eminent domain might occur to make the Micron plant happen in Clay, NY

    Ignorance, does not stand in the light of facts. In Conus, the Kings first owned the land.........France, Spain, England, Netherlands.................... The Republic here, established Patents............then the land began to be sold off.............. Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett only...
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    Neurologist and Parkinson’s expert has visited the Biden Whitehouse 8 times

    He injects fetal cells from aborted fetus's to keep Joe in the Movie Dune with the Harkonnens. Live birth abortions are best.
  47. Z

    SCOTUS 2A cases update as of 07/02/2024

    "Armed Scholar "is always a day late and a dollar short.............always 1 month behind and confuses the hell out of any recent news..........he gets money from advertisers who pay him for defective postings.......he is a grifter at best and cannot present a cogent sentence anyway.
  48. Z

    An increasing number of democrats call for Biden to step down and some high ranking

    Joe will stay, as he is just delusional enough and deranged enough to stay the course, until they take the nomination away......and have to give it to the "Dunce of the Ages"............... Like Hitler at the end....................
  49. Z

    Muslim preacher calling for the re-establishment of ISIS in order to commit genocide against non-Muslims in Europe

    It is all GOOD....................................can't have a party if no one comes. Home invasions, car jackings, murders, beatings robberies cannot happen if they are not here and have to leave it all to the BLM and MS13'ers.