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  1. J

    WaPo & Other Maoist Rags Now Going Goofy Over........Hawaiian Shirts??!!

    So will owning a Hawaiian shirt now constitute a crime? Like having wire and soldering iron means you have bomb making parts, or a digital kitchen scale means you have drug paraphernalia? Should I hang up some photos of my daughter and I at the luau themed daddy/daughter dance so I have proof...
  2. J


    You missed your chance. You could have just looted yourself a new phone....
  3. J

    Another business raided by oathbreakers

    The same guy that says 10 people in a location is safe, but 11 people is not, and 10 round magazines are safe, but 11 round magazines are not.
  4. J

    The Firing Pin LLC, files lawsuit *(over being shut down due to covid)

    I suspect this will be taken up by the courts during 'Phase 4', at which time it will be dismissed as 'moot'.
  5. J

    Oh boy, ghost gun in Maine NY

    I guess the whole 'you need a permit to possess a handgun' law didn't work out. I'm sure just one more common sense law will fix this problem. Maybe worldwide universal background checks? Or maybe another limit on how many rounds a magazine can hold?
  6. J

    A new bill would forgive the student debt of health-care workers fighting coronavirus

    I have a friend whose wife is a nurse. She's worked in a few hospitals in a few different states. Every hospital she's worked for has paid her student debt while she's worked there. I don't know how common this is, it may just be they really need people in her field. But this sounds like a...
  7. J

    Cuomo’s reopen rules????

    Someone I work with just told me his neighbor is having a fence installed today by a local fencing company. He's in Broome County.
  8. J

    Cuomo’s reopen rules????

    The really flawed part about this is that I spent the weekend removing a chimney we stopped using due to a fire, adding some roof sheathing, and shingling the 6' x 6' area I disturbed. I got all my supplies from Lowe's on Saturday. It was OK for me to do it, but not OK for me to hire someone...
  9. J

    Despite Fewer Passengers, TSA Reportedly Finding More Guns

    I have to wonder if less guns are slipping through security as the TSA employees are not as busy.
  10. J

    Virginia Judge Halts Northam's Indoor Range Closure

    'Unfortunately, the judge’s order only applies to SafeSide Lynchburg, at least for the time being. ' And this is part of the problem with our legal system. If it applies to this range, why doesn't it apply to ALL indoor ranges in VA?
  11. J

    NYS Rescinds idiotic DNR order

    My father in law passed away a few years ago after suffering a heart attack. The EMT's worked very hard trying to revive him. They were unsuccessful, but I give them a lot of credit for trying. I thanked them all for their effort. I can't imagine what it would have been like if the ambulance...
  12. J

    2020 Gardening Thread

    I'm pretty sure the answer is 'My dog digs it up.'
  13. J

    Alyssa Milano Says ‘Stop the Coronavirus Gun Surge’ After Admitting to Owning Guns for Self-Defense

    How many times do you think she moved that zipper up and down in the mirror before she found just the right place for it?
  14. J

    Bernie Dropped Out

    I was listening to the radio over the Internet because there is too much interference in my office. Does that count?
  15. J

    Bernie Dropped Out

    I just heard on the radio that Bernie is suspending his campaign. He's supposed to make an official announcement shortly. EDIT: Here's a link to one article- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders suspends presidential bid
  16. J

    Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Preventing School Districts From Arming Teachers and Establishing S

    I'm sure this is THE law that will end school shootings. No more will be needed after this one...
  17. J

    Gov. Cuomo to sign executive order to take ventilators from upstate hospitals

    "I am signing an Executive Order allowing State to take ventilators and PPE which will be returned or reimbursed," said Cuomo. "I apologize to those institutions." I'm sure the families of dead upstate patients will be comforted in the fact that the hospitals were reimbursed when the state...
  18. J

    ATF seeks information on stolen assault weapons

    Most likely a 10/22 with a thumbhole stock...
  19. J

    California proposes new sex industry law

    So, if the background check comes back showing you're a sex offender, can you still work in porn? Sounds like a government provided certification of excellence to me.
  20. J

    Top NRA official placed on leave.. saddly its not WLP

    What's really sad is that it took over 20,400 yearly memberships just to pay this guy's salary. And that's just one NRA employee.
  21. J

    STUNNED: cuomo is actually spending money on the North country

    ATV's and UTV's under 1000 lbs and 70" wide have to registered in NY, with a few exceptions. Mine is registered in PA. It's easier, and it's over 1000# so it can't be registered in NY anyway. The only reason I register it in PA is so I can ride trails there...
  22. J

    Cardi B Has A Solution For Your Guns...

    Read the article. You'll find out EXACTLY what a Cardi B is.
  23. J

    Cardi B Has A Solution For Your Guns...

    ...and wants to run for Congress. She's the perfect candidate! Read the whole article. It's gets better and better the more you read.
  24. J

    Military Style Rifles Stolen in Johnson City

    They don't look black and scary to me... Considering how little info they provided, if you have any information, you probably stole the guns yourself.
  25. J

    Bear Flag Defense Speedloaders?

    One of my friends has one. He says it works well, but he can't load as fast as they do in the videos.
  26. J

    Monroe County's new "Anti-Harassment" Bill

    How odd... This is from a few weeks ago.
  27. J

    New Gun Control Bill Encourages Financial Institutions to Report 'Suspicious' Firearm Transactions

    I'm pretty sure 1 gun and a box of ammo is all you need for a mass shooting. I could be wrong since I don't shoot people.
  28. J

    Not "assault rifles" if its for LEO's

    As far as I remember, if it's semi-automatic, has a detachable magazine, and has one 'feature', then it's an assault weapon designed to kill as many people as possible. Could be the single shot, semi-automatic loophole...
  29. J

    Canada votes in election that could see Trudeau lose power

    Sounds to me like the US is interfering with Canadian elections.... Trudeau may even be colluding with the US!
  30. J

    Stun guns legal to carry in NY/NYC?

    It shows how much NY doesn't want people to be able to defend themselves when even non-lethal devices are not allowed.
  31. J

    Gun raffles would be outlawed under proposed NY bill

    '“You can’t raffle off a bottle of wine, so why can you raffle off a (weapon)?” asked Gaughran.' They should just change that law instead. I don't see a problem with raffling off a bottle of wine. The winner just has to be of legal age.
  32. J

    RES 1044 introduced today

    According this statement: "Whereas, This tragedy may have been averted if the assailant was not permitted to purchase this modified assault weapon" once they ban AR's, murder will end...
  33. J

    A Michigan Court Case Shows the Right of Armed Self-Defense Is Broader Than You Might Think

    Here's my issue with this (at least in NY where you can get fined because the state doesn't know how to make license plates last): In whatever situation (robbery, etc), someone pulls a gun on you. Due to your catlike reflexes, a break in their attention, or dumb luck, you manage to draw and...
  34. J

    Ithaca Mayor joins #localgovs4gunsafety

    Maybe they got conned into using .45 GAP?
  35. J

    Gun Kingpins

    Couldn't that be prosecuted as 43 counts of illegally transferring firearms? Seems like they could stack the sentences and make it pretty serious jail time with existing law. By the way, 350 rounds divided by 43 firearms is only about 8 rounds per gun. Sounds like he just wanted to make sure...
  36. J

    benchmade aint crap, COLD STEEL LOVES GUNS!

    Here's a pretty good deal on a Cold Steel SRK. Only $34. I just got one. I'm not a knife expert, but it seems like a good knife to keep in the truck.
  37. J

    NYS Marijuana update: Cuomo: "I believe we can come to an agreement, but I don't know"

    The issue, he said divides the state regionally and generationally. There are two questions when it comes to localities. "If a county opts-in, then must all local governments be included?," Cuomo asked. The second option is whether the locality; and not the county opts-in. "It's not what...
  38. J

    NY Assembly passes measure granting undocumented immigrants access to driver’s licenses

    Chances are they are driving illegally right now. Supposedly it will be safer because they will have passed a test. If they are driving illegally right now, they are already paying a gas tax, and possibly tickets, etc. Just not the registration, insurance, and probably a few other 'fees' I...
  39. J

    NY Assembly passes measure granting undocumented immigrants access to driver’s licenses

    Don't forget this: 'According to a report from the liberal Fiscal Policy Institute, more than 265,000 people would become eligible for licenses and the additional legal drivers would generate $57 million in annual revenue for the state.' How would each person generate $215/year for the state...
  40. J

    NYC violates civil rights and forces vaccinations

    Doesn't sound like vaccinating after exposure is all that useful. From the CDC: "If you get MMR vaccine within 72 hours of initially being exposed to measles, you may get some protection against the disease, or have milder illness." MMR Vaccination | What You Should Know | Measles, Mumps...
  41. J

    Dick's Sporting Goods pulling guns from 125 stores

    Buy scuba gear, scuba diving and snorkeling equipment, and everything underwater from Fast shipping, easy returns, tons of selection.
  42. J

    Virginia Senator begins Openly Carrying as a deterrent

    What would have been the outcome if Gabby Giffords carried?
  43. J

    Cuomo says Safe Act Not Working! Need more gun laws?

    I think this is part of the details. Read 11 e on the 4473 form. They even bold the text for you.
  44. J

    This is the NY politician who wants to look into your social media before buying a gun.

    My favorite part of the article: “Part of my electoral success is I live in the same circumstances as my constituents. I’m trying to pay my bills and taxes, like them.” He must not realize that he is one of the people who could vote to actually lower taxes, making it easier for people to live...
  45. J

    Fire Mission NY 9191, hit it!

    I do know him. This isn't his bill. He previously worked in the Broome County Sheriff's dept as an undercover drug guy. He worked his way up to run the road patrol division. He is a big supporter of the 2nd amendment, and our area in general. I've seen a few other polls he's done. One was...
  46. J

    Amid confusion, part of SAFE Act will stop being enforced in Erie County

    The main issue is that the wording of the law should be changed. The state police may have a handbook stating not to make arrests for 8-10 rounds in a magazine, but the law does not state that. If I were moving to NY from out of state, I would look at the state laws and the Safe Act Website...
  47. J

    H.R. 7115

    Unless, I'm reading this wrong, it looks to me like they have redefined 'Assault weapon' to be ANY semiautomatic rifle or shotgun with a detachable magazine. (4) the term “semiautomatic assault weapon” means— (A) a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun that has the capacity to accept a...
  48. J

    Andrew Cuomo’s empty victory

    I wish these reporters would look at the results by county. Doing so would show it's pretty clear that most of NY's counties didn't vote for him.
  49. J

    7 or 10 rounds edc

    That's true, but it's NY's official website that is supposed to (according to it's own words), be a ' resource for New Yorkers to better understand how the NY SAFE act does and does not affect you'. I agree it's not the law, but it also misleads people into thinking they can only...
  50. J

    7 or 10 rounds edc

    Here's the annoying part... From NYSafe Act - Gun Owners | SafeAct (just copy and pasted right now): Q: How many rounds can I put in my magazine? A: While at a recognized range, whether you are there for recreation or for participating in shooting competitions, you may load the full ten rounds...