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  1. J

    "semi-automatic weapons have no role in contemporary civilian life."

    Maybe they should educate the public like they do for DWI, but instead of billboards that say things like '.08 Don't blow it', it could say something like 'Don't kill people, it's against the law'.
  2. J

    ACTIVE SHOOTER at Write-Paterson AFB

    Sounds like personnel on base now have the ability to respond, instead of waiting for the local police as has happened in the past. That's a good thing!
  3. J

    3D gun plans website suspends downloads after court ruling

    I find it funny that "This is a *nationwide* order. In every state across the country, the Trump administration is now blocked from allowing the distribution of 3-D printing plans for guns." But the 9th circuit ruling that CA can't ban magazines based on size only applies to the 9th circuit.
  4. J

    WGRZ TV Channel 2 in Buffalo has poll on 3D printed guns

    I don't think there are many votes. I just voted and 'yes' changed from 33% to 34%.
  5. J

    Proposed Federal Law Would Ban Production Of 3D-Printed Firearms

    “But the bottom line is that this has got to be stopped, because it’s a real opportunity to produce guns at home, at a business, that are not traceable,” Pallone said. So I guess firearms with serial numbers are less lethal?
  6. J


    I would love the know the percentage of crimes committed with AR's versus other weapons, of any type, in Chicago.
  7. J


    I can't believe that you have to report an "incident" if you've been diagnosed with diabetes. Page 14 of the manual, section C, 5. Sounds like discrimination based on a disability to me.
  8. J

    Stop selling AR's, get free money from Gov. Cuomo?

    Here's where some of our tax money is going. If Dick's is doing so well, why are we providing so much to them in tax dollars and breaks: "To encourage the Company's continued expansion in the region, Empire State Development will provide up to $1.2 million through the Excelsior Tax Credit...
  9. J

    Interesting Article

    My favorite line in the article: "A heavier bullet and more energy would solve a persistent complaint about the U.S. Army's M4A1 carbine—that the smaller 5.56-millimeter bullet often requires multiple hits to incapacitate a target and it lacks the range to make accurate long-range shots."...
  10. J

    When they couldn't be more Dicks

    I have to wonder if they can't legally return the firearms to the manufacturer. This would make the only choices sell, give away, or destroy. Maybe an FFL on the board could clarify whether they can return them. If they can't return them, it's just publicity. In that case, the story would be...
  11. J

    My new hero

    Great speech! We need more like it! One runny thing I picked up, at about 3:08 he states that the AR15 is a semi-automatic 22 rifle. Check out the hard to read closed captioning that follows right after. It says it's a silly automatic 22 rifle.
  12. J

    Republican reps did this.

    The message of necessity has become worthless. He used it to rename the Tappen Zee Bridge: "Again, the Governor had to abuse the constitution’s Message of Necessity provision to make the bridge renaming happen. He had to decree that renaming the bridge was an “emergency” measure, and rush...
  13. J

    London beat NYC in homicides this month

    "Going in at source means major intervention work with youth workers, inoculating means going into schools, changing the social norms, educating kids, teaching them what it is to be a man, teaching them how they don't need to carry knives." Looks like they learned from the US politicians where...
  14. J

    Point of logic regarding students needing to "feel safe" in school

    Police officers in schools should be an opportunity for kids to bond with them. Right now law enforcement is seen as the enemy in many communities. This could be a way to change that.
  15. J

    NY Compliant AK47 legal in NY?

    These guys sell a few compliant variations. They are in the Binghamton area. I saw them at a Syracuse show a couple of years ago. NY Legal Arms
  16. J

    David Hogg said that he would challenge Democrats who have pro-gun positions.

    I think they are all missing the point. Shouldn't we be trying to solve the root of the problem? Why are kids shooting up schools, why did the guy in Austin blow up a bunch of bombs? It's because they have problems that need to be fixed. Once that happens, 'gun violence' in these scenarios...
  17. J

    NJ Gun Clubs Threaten Lawsuit Over Lacy Township Students' Gun Range Photos

    Schools also consider knives weapons. I guess this means Boy Scouts can no longer handle knives when camping.
  18. J

    Critics Think 132 Hours Of Firearm Training For Teachers Is Too Little

    Let's compare 132 hours to what NYS Police go through. From their website: State Police Firearms Training is a continuing process that begins with a 90-hour course in the Basic School and continues throughout one's career with semi-annual, in-service Field Firearms Training sessions of five...
  19. J

    Vacation Time For Bloods Gang Member !

    Thank God the SAFE Act protected us from this guy... Oh, wait.
  20. J

    Southern Tier LGS?

    Southern Tier Sportsman above the Harley shop on Upper Front St. I just had 2 guns transferred from PSA and I'm very happy. They have a good selection for a small shop. Mayhood's in Norwich is great, but it's a bit of a drive from Binghamton. Southern Tier Sportsman