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  1. That_FNG

    Shootout near Onondaga county, officers down
  2. That_FNG

    Iran Attacking Israel

    Hmm so I wonder what stocks pelosi will be buying or selling on Monday. Might be time for some trades.
  3. That_FNG

    Iran Attacking Israel

    Kicking off world war 3 just 2 days before taxes are due? Nice.
  4. That_FNG

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Picked up some more background check free ammo at the Indian reservation, so I decided to go to the club and do some 15 yard practice. Shooting Winchester white box 115 grain 9mm out of the P2511 and the nightstalker.
  5. That_FNG

    Biden new laws to close gunshow loophole and more extensive BG Checks

    It’s no big deal, everybody can just “MoVe To A FrEe StAte”
  6. That_FNG

    Bidens new rules on defining who is considered “engaged in the business” of dealing firearms.

    It’s ok as everybody can jUsT mOvE to a FrEe StAtE
  7. That_FNG

    Happy Ramadan Everyone!!

    I have now proclaimed today to be “national day of transgendered sphincter prolapse”
  8. That_FNG

    Biden slammed on social media after announcing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday

    Yeah good luck with that. Despite the best efforts of communist China or the USSR when it existed, neither could remove GOD from their country. On a side note I wonder if the point of this is to get the narrative in the news headlines changed. Too many people talking about the Baltimore bridge...
  9. That_FNG

    Biden slammed on social media after announcing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday

    Happy transgender day of visibility. Now go suck a dick you satantic commie FJB.