Big media has been trying to sell this guy to the mass of uninformed voters for the last month or so and those same uninformed voters will not hear what a complete piece of shit this guy really is from that same Big media.
Best case scenario, A third entity rises up, gathers decent citizens and police into a cohesive unit, tells the g to get out of the way, and goes scorched earth from Gary to Waukosha.
Sure doesn't bolster any faith in a long time quality manufacturer! I think if I was looking for a S&W revolver I'd shop for an older one. In fact, thats exactly what I did and it is a beauty.
.69 clover leafs dead on at 100 yards and will take anything on the continent, any continent, but then so will a .223. Its all about shot placement.
There is no way the vast majority would vote for those to Bozo's dangling at the end of the marionette's strings! No Way! The slime bag Dems must be pretty confident they can cheat their way through it, again.
Yeah, they can release that juicey tid bit to whet the appetite of every nut job on the planet but cannot release any details about the first assassin except that they cremated him, WTF!
WE pay these assholes, they gather info on OUR behalf, we own it, they tell us jack shit and then with fake...
Some people should not have a computer, typewriter or a pen, but its usually after the fact that we know that. The alternative is to deprive good and decent people freedom, in order to stop the few.
Kind'a the destroy the village to save the village mentality.
Y'know, I'd like to help out ole Vlad the Mad out, but I just don't like traveling anymore and then there is the oath thing I took when I got married. Back in the day I'd a been there with my lunch bucket!
Czar Vlad the Mad plans long term!
Stoking the fires of war is costing...
Another direction might be a single shot rifle in .38/.357, works for small game up through deer, recoil is mild but enough so that you get the full experience of pulling the trigger. Several company's make them, like Henry, some receivers are made to accept shot barrels interchangeably, .410 on...
Go ahead, sit on your ass come election day! As for me, I will fight as best I can with what I have, if that is merely one vote, so be it, if it requires more, then it will be met with the means on hand. I pray for the former, I gird up for the latter, and hope for kindred spirits along the way...
" negligent discharge" The reason for the bourgeoning population of unwed mothers for the last thirty years and their un fathered spoor running rampage.
Its NYSSR. What do you expect. There is probably a new federal law for the same thing, not that that would be double jeopardy or anything as long as they word it differently.
Those are really cool parade's! I have seen them with as many as six deer, and they always have the spike lead the way graduating in size. In one parade, I waited and waited as they passed by hoping the last guy would be a real trophy, he was, well would have been, all but two or three tines...
Hmmmmm, seems kind of early for those bachelor Harare's, but then things don't seem like their are adding up to a typical season, time wise. Dunno.
Maybe its just me, but I see a certain irony in the government preventing the people from exercising a God given right in an area that is commonly owned by those people.
Sorry Doc, I couldn't watch. Fifteen minutes in and It was obvious to me that Trump was debating three people, the Hoe was speaking in platitudes, that, coupled with the goofy faces the hoe was making were all too much for me. Judging from this mornings recap, I pretty much nailed the whole...