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  1. S

    Help me... 9 mm vs 45 ACP

    My Friend Mo…..Maximum 9mm Ballistics « Western Powders For the 9mm is the only choice crowd. Knowing what the external ballistics for a given load out of each gun are could help you determine what the terminal ballistics may be (or not be). Knowing what terminal performance you are...
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    Preferred MSR Caliber for Youth hunting?

    if you do not handload, 6.5 Grendel
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    Help me... 9 mm vs 45 ACP

    The usual caliber debates like this are annoying to participate in. However, when it's a 10rd state like ours, it is worth discussing IMO. If we were in a non capacity limited area, I would be firmly in the 9mm camp. And for transparency, my available choices as of now are Glock 42, 43 and 48...
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    30-06 or 450 bushmaster

    If those are your only two choices, .30-06.
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    Tale of Two Rugers

    That rifle is like a snaggletooth crack whore.
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    Tale of Two Rugers

    Those American rifles are a great value in the new rifle market these days. Have been selling them in 450 Bush and 350 Legend to guys looking for alternative calibers. The 450 Bushmaster with the short barrel is super.
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    Tale of Two Rugers

    The prices are already thru the roof for one of the ugliest rifles made, IMO. But many Ruger fans have been in love with those rifles for a long time.
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    Best store for holsters in Rochester?

    NSR Tactical Green Force Tactical At this point in time, if a pistol I'm considering is not able to be holstered in one of these two companies IWB holsters, I'll unhappily move on. The NSR C-2 is currently my favorite design.
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    M14 abandoned? Whose got a CNC Machine?

    Yup, should have been the FAL in 7mm
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    Guns from s@w after proof tested

    Assuming the op had a question, the answer to which is: No.
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    Primer check

    Appears reasonable.
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    Load Data, Specific Bullet vs Generic?

    It’s more rewarding to load your own anyway! Have fun!!
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    Load Data, Specific Bullet vs Generic?

    For your application, look at the OAL from 2 perspectives: external as is stated in the load data, and then what that OAL gives you inside the case with the bullet you want to use, vs the one specified in the data. If you are using this same OAL, with different bullets of the same weight, that...
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    Load Data, Specific Bullet vs Generic?

    A variable to consider in addition to bearing surface, in this example, is the amount of available powder capacity with the bullets seated to the same OAL. In this case when using a 240JSP bullet, which should be shorter than the 240GDHP in the load data, will give you more "room" for powder in...
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    Selling on Armslist...what to watch out for?

    USPS Money Order only!!
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    Your ammo supplies: reload or stockpile?

    Freddy, you suck. I've been watching thunder ranch/clint smith videos all afternoon. The dude is hysterical.
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    Your ammo supplies: reload or stockpile?

    This discussion is always interesting. The idea of having massive stockpiles of ammo is fine, if that's what you think will help you when the world ends... My favorite is the 10K+ rounds of rifle and pistol caliber ammo guy, yet the guy has only a handful of magazines. Let's be real here...
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    Desert Eagle .44

    The reason is Cuomo and Co's unSAFE act. The reasoning is so unreasonable, it's a waste of time to talk about it. Just get the .50!!
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    9mm 1911

    The only one I've owned was the STI Trojan, 5" 9mm. Great gun, no issues at all, accurate.