The Oneidas just opened their farm to table cannabis business. They have a 50,000sq.ft. growhouse right around the corner from the casino and from what I've heard, they allow smoking it in the casino! Just another way to increase the chances of pissing their money away at the tables...
I think a large part of the lack-luster commercial sales issue is the fact that people can GYO for pennies on the dollar compared to paying premium $ then piling an excessive sin tax on top of that! If you have any green in your thumb, you can probably grow a weed successfully.
And then there is...
Trump would be wise to use him as a spokesperson to the youth of the nation. He speaks well and gets his message across firmly. So many yutes have a negative image of DT only because of the way MSM has portrayed him from the moment he came down the escalator! The Swami (a fitting...
I equate VR to how Obama came onto the scene...out of virtually no where, very well spoken and well rehearsed. Whether or not he could handle the pressure of "Leader of the free world"??? I do believe he would push us in the right direction domestically.
I insisted Mrs. Shadow Rider apply, she has had a permit for years now even though she shoots rarely. All my handguns are hers as well. If she only knew how many long guns are not on the pistol permit...ouch)! But Honey-pie they're an investment!!! Also my son in Texas knows what I have and what...
And, correct me if I'm wrong, (but I'm not...I travel the t-way daily) most every exit on the t-way has some type of food establishment within spitting distance of what used to be toll booths! Some are genuine Mom & Pop joints that could use the Sunday business!