They stock the creeks pretty well around here with brown trout,but I haven't trout fished in a few years.They make up for some early fishing just to get out of the house,but I get my kicks in ice fishing for walleye.And with this cold winter it made a great year,so waiting for the walleye season...
Does that mean they can legally hunt deer with a rifle at the age of 12? I think its a little to late for them to change,this new generation is not hunting so why would they take there kids.And even if they wanted to hunt its to hard to find a place to hunt so the sport is dead in the water,at...
Very nice,the wood handle is probably the way to go for being more durable.The 119 is an all around favorite for alot of people,cant go wrong with that purchase.
Got my Best buy wired Swan camera system in today,and loving it.Added it to my Walmart black Friday sale 39" tv for $125 and its working/looks awesome.I got the 8 channel 5MP one with 4 cameras ($399) so if needed I can add cameras.The 5MP is suppose to have a little better image,but would of...
Did you buy the wired Swan Camera or wireless and how do you like it so far.I was thinking of going Defender wireless model from Walmart for $420 but thinking just go wired for less problems and cheaper,and get same one from Best Buy..
Went back out for the noon to 2pm supposed Lunar hot time seen nothing.All the bucks seen pre season (6 or 7) are still here,nobody shot in this whole valley/neighborhood.Going to be just like first day when they start moving,no body pushed anything seems like everyone just sat on a...
Im back in the house to warm up,seen one doe really early.No movement at all and few shots but none close to me.Deer in the thick of it I think,got to rabbit dog them or wait till the weather breaks.
So much for trying to sleep.Suppose to be the best date to hunt today for deer activity according to the solar moon forecast,no moon today and best time is noon-2pm.At least we should have that on our side,so might be worth the extra effort to sit all day.
Going to be tough to sleep tonight,but at least I wont have any driving to do.Heading out in back of the house at 6AM,hoping for the 9 point thats hanging around but its all about enjoying the day.Good luck and hope you all get your buck before the rain comes which is suppose to start around 10 am.
Looks like you did bleed her out first,makes a world of difference in taste.Think with the steeliest it helps with the eggs drying out as well but I do it to all the walleye I catch,lot of people dont realize this and get the nasty taste.
Nice steelie,wish I fished for them yearly but the Ontario tribs are about 2 hours away.Havent been up for steelies or salmon in a few years,but if you got fresh egg sacks fish on.Unless your at Maxwell then its snag city.
So tough I had to cut it with a fillet knife around the edges where it was cooked better,just to try to eat it.I should of slapped it back in pan but one dog had a snack while my other one wouldnt touch it.Dog had more sense than me,this was an Arbys scam!
Mine was way under cooked,no sauce and very few onions.I bit in it and pulled the meat right out of bun,couldnt even chew it was like eating a peice of fat/rubber.Menu said it was suppose to be cooked 3 hours with savory sauce,mine was cooked 30 seconds at the most thrown on 2 pieces of bread...
Thats how my family used to cook them,put meat (even add squirrel/grouse for pot luck) in a crock pot with spaghetti sauce and serve it over spaghetti.Dont remember if it was/how deboned first or not but it was delicious when I was a kid starting to hunt.I dont small game hunt now and dont even...
I love a venison burger once in a while,its a seasonal fall thing.Spring comes im Dying for walleye tacos and cant wait for the season to open.I can live without deer meat but not my fish.I heard there will be a limit of 2 of these burgers and probably sell out in a day,im going to try to get my...
I tried hornady and it kicks out more speed but I feel its overkill.I used it with a shooting rest and it shook the rest so bad at the recoil it was shooting all over the place, just use sandbags if you run into a problem like that.I hate Federal ammo,never will use that for deer.
Wrong,a 223 to the ass is a flesh wound.A 30/06 to ass will probably take out both leggs and probably shock the back bone and if it was from the rear penetrate up into the vitals.