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  1. Cavalry

    Insurance rate increase! (illegals the cause?)

    Come on now, you are twisting the meaning and purpose of that license. I have a "not for federal purposes" license, not because I am illegal, but because I refuse to get an REAL ID for flying.
  2. Cavalry

    INSANE Dillon Aero QUAD Minigun Night Shoot 12,000 Rounds Per Min

    It does not show it in this video but the operator sits in a chair in the middle of the turret. The concussion has to be significant.
  3. Cavalry

    Migrants bring measles to Chicago

    The sky is falling! Most Americans have received MMR and are not at risk. Who cares about illegals with measles.
  4. Cavalry

    Pro-Palestine protesters slash historic painting at University of Cambridge

    Glazing is expensive and generally is disliked because of the glare and reflection from lighting as well as potentially trapping moisture. If it was glazed they would just tear it off the wall or if glass smash it. I am sure that particular piece wasn't even on their radar as something to be...
  5. Cavalry

    NY National Guard - Deployed

    My buddy's daughter has been down there since the new year. No clue of the scope of the deployment and I really didn't inquire where, but she definitely is in the NYNG.
  6. Cavalry

    Israel: 'State of war' declared after thousands of rockets fired from Gaza Strip

    National guard. This is why she is only a captain after 17 years. Highest awards are an ARCOM and a few AAM (equlivent), What a shitbag. To your point however, it serves no purpose for her to wear the uniform, and not complete at that (cover and tie) The stupid pin is unacceptable.
  7. Cavalry

    NY National Guard - Deployed

    How many guardsmen are in NY? There is already a shitload at the border and have been there for months.
  8. Cavalry

    Attorney General James Secures $7.8 Million from Ghost Gun Retailer for Illegally Shipping Ghost Guns to New York

    $7.8 million...good luck getting a penny. I would open another business called Indie Guns 2 and double down on NY sales. Perhaps call them "wind chimes" like other retailers. What exactly is NY going to do?
  9. Cavalry

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Anyone else looking at the numbers for Super Tuesday comparing Trump and Biden? Not that it means anything in the end, but Trump is getting far more people to get out there and vote by leaps and bounds. The only states I see more Biden votes are CA, VT and likely MA when they close. I can only...
  10. Cavalry

    Civil War

    This is why Article V exists. Its purposefully difficult for a reason.
  11. Cavalry

    China Is Secretly Arming American Criminals with auto sear switches,

    I'm hypothesizing on how it works. They order with a stolen credit card and have delivered to an old lady in the neighbor. They know cars that do not belong on the street so staking out the address is not effective. If it shows up great, swoop it off the porch, if it does not no loss.
  12. Cavalry

    Congressman Lawler praises inclusion of extension of Undetectable Firearms Act in appropriations package

    Or 'In The Line of Fire' The 90's were such a pivotal time for made up pews.
  13. Cavalry

    Civil War

    Dear NYSP/FBI, Please take your entrapment attempts elsewhere, we are not playing into your ploy to discuss the big igloo. Love, NYGF
  14. Cavalry

    NYS Gunshop Inspections by SP

    Federal prison and state prison offer free records of inmates. Your friend served federal time in the early 80's and was released. There is no record of a federal or state arrest, newspaper articles, indictment, trial, conviction or imprisonment for what you state. What should we believe...
  15. Cavalry

    NYS Gunshop Inspections by SP

    Or how the felon did his time and was released in the early 80's, but somehow was back in Federal prison in 2010, even though there is no record for that, where he killed himself for a state level crime, which at that time was not a state level crime.
  16. Cavalry

    NYS Gunshop Inspections by SP

    No, I have not confused the two. I specifically clarified federal and state in the initial post. Felons can have BP as far as the Federal Gov is concerned and our State has determined that felons cannot have a BP. A person breaking state law does not go to Federal prison was the point. This...
  17. Cavalry

    NYS Gunshop Inspections by SP

    This just gets better and better. The backtracking is phenomenal.
  18. Cavalry

    Is Russia Mobilizing In Schools?

    Yes they have been doing this for a long, long time, all the way back to USSR days. There has been videos circulating of school children doing assembly/disassembly since the advent of the internet.
  19. Cavalry

    Trump indicted in classified documents probe

    Ummm.... the Gorilla grip pussy pal was the armorer chick from the Rust movie.
  20. Cavalry

    NYS Gunshop Inspections by SP

    You make no sense. Why would someone convicted of a state crime go to federal prison? Even your friends at the AFT say at a federal level a felon can have a BP
  21. Cavalry

    Mitch McConnell to step down

    No, there is a retirement plan like any gov employee, a percentage based on years of work. Its some convoluted formula. There is no full check or free health care when they leave, its a common misconception.
  22. Cavalry

    BREAKING: Trump disqualified from Illinois ballot

    They bumped up the release date, its under a month and a half away.
  23. Cavalry

    NYS Gunshop Inspections by SP

    Can anyone translate this to coherent? I was taking lessons for awhile but never got the knack.
  24. Cavalry

    China Is Secretly Arming American Criminals with auto sear switches,

    Chinese companies want to make money, everything else is secondary. Its not a hard concept to figure out. I am curious how the homeboys buy "switchies"? I am sure when one searches "glock switch for sale" most of the top hits are going to be ATF honeypots, the next batch will take your money...
  25. Cavalry

    City of Madras, Oregon Proposes Fining Grocery Stores for Carts Stolen and Found Near Homeless Camps

    Why all stores with carts have not gone to the Aldi "quarter deposit" model I cannot understand. Carts get put back where they came from with no employee intervention and much smaller loss. Its simple and it works. Wireless fence that locks up a wheel is also used, and may stop cart theft...
  26. Cavalry

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    Correct, but I have read nothing to state that this was the case in this instance. If we are to believe the talking heads, the most recent A50 was taken with a 1960's designed, S-200 SAM.
  27. Cavalry

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    Stingers are for low altitude targets, sub 4K meters
  28. Cavalry

    City of Chicago Now Suing Oil Companies Over ‘Climate Change’

    I am pretty sure the oil companies have far more money and lawyers on staff than Chicago. This will go exactly nowhere as it should.
  29. Cavalry

    NTSB- Fern Hollow Bridge Collapse

    I found this amazing with the level of incompetence, neglect and follow through on the states part. Do inspections annually, but do nothing about it except write a report. All this coming from PA where annual car inspection includes failure for "rust holes in body". If the floor boards in...
  30. Cavalry

    Russia arrests an American ballerina on suspicion of treason

    It's a thing. I think it happens most frequently when a child is born abroad to US citizens, but I believe one can also become a citizen elsewhere without relinquishing US citizenship. I agree it should not be allowed.
  31. Cavalry


    What sort of gangster fans out $20 bills? There is what, $400 in his hands? Christ, at least put the hundo in the front so people think you are are a balla.
  32. Cavalry

    Truckers Boycotting NYC starting this Monday.

    Had this guy roll in the other day, Eastern European non English speaking. The truck suspension is not dumped because it was parked, he was driving it like that.
  33. Cavalry

    Truckers Boycotting NYC starting this Monday.

    Dont worry, reading or even a basic understanding of the English language is not necessary to drive a truck in NY. They are something else, caught a 90lb dude from from some African country last month trying to shit in between the trailer tandems while getting unloaded.
  34. Cavalry

    Truckers Boycotting NYC starting this Monday.

    Maybe they meant next Monday it was going to start?
  35. Cavalry

    Truckers Boycotting NYC starting this Monday.

    My mistake How about the george washington?
  36. Cavalry

    Truckers Boycotting NYC starting this Monday.

    I have nothing to compare it to but if one looks at the tappan zee webcam there is certainly no lack of truck traffic. Seems like a nothing burger.
  37. Cavalry

    Truckers Boycotting NYC starting this Monday.

    Here we are well into the first day, has NYC seen any appreciable decline in deliveries?
  38. Cavalry

    City of Albany calls for Gun Violence Hotline

    Gun violence hotline? Is 911 too hard to use?
  39. Cavalry

    Truckers Boycotting NYC starting this Monday.

    Nothing will happen. I get truck deliveries from JFK regularly. Drivers 99% of the time some sort of non English speaking immigrant typically from Africa or eastern Europe. These people do not care about our politics. Sidenote-Watching them back up to a loading dock is the best entertainment...
  40. Cavalry

    241 guns, 1 million rounds weapons cache found, man arrested

    That is a hell of a collection, be a shame to see it reduced to scrap metal. I am curious to know what made him a "prohibited person" and what the reason for the warrant was.
  41. Cavalry

    US Security meeting today?

    Back to 1850 or back to 1850 with the metropolitan areas irradiated. Either way its 90% reduction in population.
  42. Cavalry

    Acorn causing cop to panic and magdump

    The "tactical" roll(s) are the best part. Its hard to keep parody and reality separate now-days
  43. Cavalry

    American Express, Visa, Mastercard move ahead with code to track gun store purchases in California

    Simple solution, Pay cash. This is why Americans are so deep with personal debt by financing shit they want but don't need. Credit card tracking is complete BS but one would be completely naive to believe .gov doesn't already have details on every transaction, especially for guns. Their...
  44. Cavalry

    American Express, Visa, Mastercard move ahead with code to track gun store purchases in California

    I think you just reinforced the problems with this. Its a merchant code not some code that tracks individual items purchased. " Jim-Bobs Gun Emporium" would get the gun merchant code, because they primarily sell guns, but what about your purchase at Sportsman's Warehouse? They sell more than...
  45. Cavalry

    American Express, Visa, Mastercard move ahead with code to track gun store purchases in California

    I still do not understand how this works, or for that matter what it achieves. Sure, they can single out businesses that sell mostly guns, but what about sporting goods stores or stores that also sell guns. Those mixed sale businesses have to account for a significant amount of gun purchases.
  46. Cavalry

    Biden won’t face criminal charges for mishandling classified documents

    " I wear since he died, every single day a rosary he got from Our Lady of.....Every Memorial day we hold a service..." Yeah, sure, his memory is top notch.
  47. Cavalry

    Which Gun Oil???

    I use different things for different applications. Mostly CLP, but will use hoppes or Remington wipes for general exterior cleaning and protection.
  48. Cavalry

    Ruling on school shooters parents soon

    The shooter was tried as an adult, therefore he was capable of making adult decisions. The parent had nothing to do with those decisions. If he had stolen his mothers car and purposefully killed 4 people with it would they be going after her the same way?
  49. Cavalry

    Schumer Says DC Dems Agenda Is Working

    I work in manufacturing, business is not booming anywhere in my industry.
  50. Cavalry

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    So does this not mean you will not be publishing your memoirs?