Sick wealthy people can arrange almost anything through anybody solely on their wealth. There must be escalated penalties but how can that happen when they spread bribe money like water.
What planet or Country did the prosecutor come from ? There must be millions of communist plants activated to screw this Country down the drain. WTF is there to "consider" about a legal law? I told My children/grandchildren that I don't envy their young lives. The Country is going to hell and...
I would think anyone in NY $hitty would need an Army to walk the streets safely. Ask that woman who was raped in daylight on the subway ramp if She needed an Army. OH...and to the credit of the local NY er' one helped Her..just watched. THAT"S what humanity has become in the "BIG" $hitties.
AND they would go to a federal court for a federal crime..not a State crime...They would be out of their jurisdiction to apprehend on a State charge. No stae foul
Question...if there is no State law...How does this get processed through the "State" system? How can an arrest be affected? Feds can only support Fed laws and if nothing is reported..they have to go "fish"
Understood...BUT...Hillary received all the questions before the least one. So Joe can get canned answers on the teleprompter controlled by a party member after reviewing all the questions.
In 2010 I was a census worker and after doing My census gatherings, I was assigned to contact the people who had yet to accomplish the census report. Most were nice..some were @$$holes...and I can only say that anyone who refuses a census request and have a credit card: You gave more personal...
He can't mandate the entire Country. When he tried to...cummo ran it up his keester via 10th ammendment. He only has federal jurisdiction. So anything he tries Statewide is at the discretion of the governments in that particular State. Mask mandate....worthless without cooperation.
I wonder if a thorough investigation will be launched to discover the shooter/shooters and IF the same style investigation is going on to who is controlling and organizing the rioter/looters. There has to be a center that controls/directs/trains the rioters.
What has that to do with minimizing 150000 deaths and still counting..Most of the ones you mention are not caused by a Country export . This conversation started with the COVD-19 subject..not any of the others you mentioned. Be nonchalant about it for all I care...I choose not to.
You know what it is to "assume" You don't know Me and if You take it lightly that 150,000 or more have died (good portion elderly) then I "assume" You are an individual who is a cheerleader on the sidelines and don't care about anything as long as it's not You. I didn't tell anyone to do...
" Destroy middle class America and enroll tens of million folks to the welfare rolls. ... in less than a generation.... Bernie will sound great.... The man in that You Tube for now I believe is talking about reopening his town and county. .. Start the barber shops up ... Coffee joints at 100 %...
He doesn't look like he's starving. He is another only thinking of Himself. No distancing?...maybe He should try going to a COVD-19 intensive care unit and give everyone a hug. About the same as what He wants to do with His life and business.
I've seen Trump support bidoon around Niagara County,,,the furher lost 48 out of 62 there is a lot of support for the Trump re-election. Many registered Dems(like Me) voted for Trump and will again. I love getting polls from within the "Party"....I hope My answers make...
Keep a good thought. Years ago I was hunting My wifes Cousins property. He owned 150 acres and two bordering neighbors had the same amount or more. He told Me I could hunt all over and if challenged just tell them who I am and who gave permission. BUT..He also said I may come across some small...
It "could" come to the point where people may have to patrol their town. After they got their @$$es tossed, they may come back another time and pick the weak to make them feel like "men" I understand the financial liabilities thoroughly but there comes a time when people MUST make a stand and...
You should apply for a State Department position as "chief advisor" in regards to foreign relations...specifically USSR.....Your opinionated statements may save the US from USSR domination
Guns may be a big problem here...but a Constitution prevents far..and saying forged documents were a problem so they confiscated typewriter's is like rubbing the @$$ of a bad child. make s no sense
The Russians are "angels" as directed by putin, kruchev, stalin. Every Country should have a dictator as anyone can see how appreciative the people are.....or told to be appreciative. (or else) I really think the relocation and detention camps are a plus. Also the efficiency of the KGB is... through sexual harassment training...Total Quality Management Training....Affimative Action training...Discrimination in the workforce training...etc...all 20 to 30 years ago. It's Government way of CYA...(cover your @$$) AND....Waste of time and money