IF any one of US pushed that old man down exactly as He was pushed down...we'd be in jail waiting for bail and the Police would be lauded for the immediate apprehension. The uniform is the difference. I'm not against police...just against stupid.
Simpler example of "professional courtesy" I...
I don't push...I walk around and ignore...I know the ramnifications if things go poorly. It's called restraint and common sense of apprising the situation.
To all of the people supporting the results of a 75 year old being shoved....what if the cops pushed your wife..daughter...son...girlfriend...boyfriend...mother ...father ..and the same results happened ? Saying they wouldn't be there or doing that does not apply as this could happen anywhere at...
This guy was barely touched. He was clearly too fragile to be out there acting tough. That’s his problem.
So being fragile restricts any part of the Constitution YOU deem. You're on the clock...just as the rest of US and I if YOU get shit on later in life because of physical condition...
Yes I now see that 75 year old man was on the FBI most wanted list and got what He deserved. If anyone out there cannot understand respect and restraint for old..elderly people ..then You have no conscience or soul. I was brought up to respect My elders.(and it was hard at times but I did) .not...
"little shit" He may be permanently disabled or may still possibly die. One of the biggest issues with police is "professional courtesy" and they use it for their own means whether right or wrong. NO reason to shove an old man, no matter what color.
Phase I stated no outside activities unless "essential" work...food shop and Doctor visits.Shelter at home under penalty. Where was protest and rioting ? I missed that.
Wonder why pelousy"s place wasn't vandalized?? Maybe a lot of ARMED agents? With high capacity magazines..full auto anyone ?
Where has Chuck you shumeroid been during this entire time ?? Or adam shifty in his super democratic man uniform ?
So stupid !! How do they enforce this? Install a penis cam on all male adults ? I was stationed in England for 4 years and stupid crap like this does not surprise me.
I have yet to see pro 2nd people riot. Although I disagree with carrying guns to peaceful protests....I didn't see/hear of any violence in Michigan earlier in the month
There must be some instances somewhere on the globe and I would like to know what the action and reaction was handled. Looters used to be shot. They did that in New Orleans after Katrina.
Maybe the furher will report this in his daily briefing. WTF,,,he reports his daughter's boyfriend left the capital (what was going on there)..talks about his mother and brother and other cutesey issues. Started a video campaign for NY but I (upstate) knew nothing except to view the final 5...
Cummo has delayed phase 2 for counties successful for 2 weeks in phase 1 for a review by an appointed "expert panel" Minnesota on one mind
I agree and IF they attempt entry without permission and with intent to harm......I think that would be a poor decision on their part.
Why did the Mayor and Govenor let this open lawless crowd get away with this ? Not pointed out by cnn is the crowd is a mixture of races...not all...
The furher was asked about the nursing Home lawsuits last week and said lawsuits were part of the job.....My 2 cents....I've seen people hosing others and something bad always happens to them and other's have no pity at all. I have no good feelings for him or anyone who defends/supports him. I...
This incident puts LEO's on a dangerous path as that crowds may gather during an arrest and for whatever reason decide the Officer is acting improperly so they participate in freeing the arrestee and possible harm to arresting officer. I don't like a lot of the future for You youngster's out there
You'd make a great democratic politician as you only think what is said and then defend the current thought rather than obsorb what is truly said/written. AND I bet you never lost a discussion. So sad
With every comment you drag this thread further away from Cuomo's crimes and closer to a kindergarten temper tantrum: "I'm right and your not, nya, nya, nya".
Ya !!!! and My dad can beat Your dad up too !! Mos is exactly like a good friend of mine who always looks for "his" angle" on things...
He and the rest of the Dems are Teflon cowboys and cowgirls. What's one of the first things an enemy does upon an attack....capture radio and now TV. They have the media and I don't understand why none of the pricks have a conscience. What they are part of is immoral and criminal
If you can't work you can get a slick lawyer and apply for SS disability and most likely get it....more room for SS recipients now that 40.000 or so have passed
They just keep printing money and claim the National debt keeps increasing because of "loaned" money. Who's got bottomless pocketbooks to keep lending on our Governments demand ? Now if it is China......I'd cancel the debt...confiscate all property...cash..wealth from Chinese nationals and tell...
The solution is to vote Democratic and they will give you all the free money they think you need. One thing I learned over the years is when a "system" is changed by another "system" and touted as being better.........usually it's not
"Social Security was not designed to pay the old for 30-40 years " Hmm...did You know there are thousands out there collecting SS from birth. Did you know that a spouse..who never worked a day in their life is entitled to 50% of their significant other...that's SS for the worker and 50% for...
so what about the Lion's clubor 4H..Car clubs...list goes on .or any other club for that matter.....SOCIAL DISTANCING......One cannot list every club...sport..occasion...event...
The Judge is also the Prosecutor which is totally against the rule of law. Just like 2nd amendment hater's who use the rationale "this is what the Framer's meant,not what is written" The Judge should be out of a job....The Constitution MUST be upheld as written. We are in dangerous times fella's...