One thing I learned from shooting squirrels, is it's not the number of them that you shoot, it's the rate at which you shoot them. In one year I killed about 350 squirrels. If I wasn't shooting at least 10 a week they'd be all over the yard. If you just take out one den, it's only a matter of...
Hollow points are not illegal for lawful use in New Jersey. It is a crime to commit a crime with hollow points in New Jersey. You can hunt with them, shoot them at the range, carry them if you have an illusive permit, stick 'em in a stew. Just don't commit a crime with them.
NJ state dictates seasonal hunting rules, rather than NJDEP. Their season is very late, allowing the biggest, strongest bears to hibernate. NJ also controls their garbage fairly well, so the bears are also some of the best tasting black bears. No stands and no baiting allowed in NJ bear hunts.
Had a friend who owned one of those u-pick apple things. Woodchucks had invaded the place and people were getting hurt falling info their holes, so my buddy and I went to clear them out. We had some fun, but it's kinda like trying to control the squirrel population. There's just too many of...
As you think about what you want to do with your forearm braces, please take the time to understand what the ATF considers to be constructive possession.
It's actually a pretty good vid. I watched the whole thing. Yea, snowflakes aren't going to watch it. Still, it's a well presented argument and mildly entertaining.
What you're seeing in those ads is common outside of NY. NY is so heavily democrat it doesn't make a lot of sense to spend big money on ads so you don't normally see a lot of the partisan attack ads. Ohio is a swing state. Lots and lots of money being spent on ads. I can remember the attack...
I live in the 12th district in Ohio and voted yesterday. I can tell you that this was an interesting election. The Democrats spent huge money on TV and other ads attacking the Republican candidate while the Republicans spent their money getting people out to vote. As a registered Republican...
The OP said "My Son has his permit issued in Greene County and recently moved to Nebraska." He said his son moved to Nebraska. He didn't say his son bought a second home in Nebraska and he didn't say his son is maintaining a home in New York. He moved. He's now out of sate. Anything else...
He moved out of state. He's no longer a resident. Whether of not he has to surrender his permit, it's no longer valid the moment he establishes primary residency elsewhere.
Why doesn't he want to take his guns with him?
Post it up on the Naked Goldwing group on Facebook and on I realize it's not naked but those groups are pretty active with people looking for bikes like this. Be sure and include how long it's sat, how it runs, tire condition and title details. Your price looks about right.
After Buds fk'd me, someone here suggested I try GrabAGun. I did. It was just as cheap. Shipped right away. They're my go-to site now for on-line gun stuff.
Actually seems legit. Seems that guard rail is failing to perform properly. Last straw was when Tenn billed the dead girl for the guard rail repair. Yea. That's a good idea. Install a defective guard rail. Kill someone. Bill the dead person.
Saw this today in my morning read of I'm keeping track of the St. Lawrence trail so I hit the site at least daily. Remember this is the newspaper that released the address of the permit holders in Rockland and Westchester counties on a Google Map; they're very anti-gun. Seems that...
Fuck Buds. Plenty of stories around how they screw people and treat them like dirt. After I moved to Ohio they refused to sell to me because my PRIOR address was in New York. They later BANNED me! No soup for me!
Agree completely. We don't know who instigated the altercation or who may have escalated it. Our CCW is to protect us and our loved ones. It's great that this worked out, but it might not next time.
He's got to have deep pockets and no desire to make money if he's cleaning it up. The entire ventilation system needs overhauled. I wish him luck but I'm doubtful.