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  1. G

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Supposedly the ammo backround check was thrown out in Ca cant confirm that but if that place can get it thrown out maybe theres some light at the end of the tunnel.Wonder if this includes online purchases or not ?
  2. G

    Trump just signed an EO protecting the 2a!

    It doesnt help this state, and others,like Massachusits, cant even buy a friggin 10/22 there anymore....
  3. G

    F/S Remington 597 Heavy Barrel 22lr Laminate stock

    16.5" Barrel very nice condition bushnell 3x9 scope sighted in at 25 yards.Target was 5 shots at 25 yards in not so great conditions.Without the flyer wouldve been 1/4" . has a few light marks hard to see. Located Long Island Nassau County ; Will need semi auto permit and buyer pays fees.300.00
  4. G

    F/S Benchmade Freek 560BK Knife M4 Blade

    Knife is new no box 3 1/2" blade m4 steel axis lock g10 handles pocket clip these go for 250+ ill ship for 210 .....
  5. G

    F/S Gamo 177 Air Rifle Spring Piston Scoped

    1000fps sighted in at 35 yards powerful and accurate located on Long Island, Nassau County exit 43 LIE .145.00 Very good condition.
  6. G

    The Gun Show thread

    Went to the gun show in Islip NY ; absolutely pathetic ! No more ammo for sale, overpriced rifles ,the only knives were cheap gas station knives,and military gear.And of all things,people selling brass knuckles and those leather covered spring billies w the lead top,both of which are illegal...
  7. G

    Dianne Feinstein Dead at 90

    How about a 21 gun salute with some of the guns on the ban list ?:ROFL::ar:
  8. G

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    They found an alien fossil or a mummy you decide
  9. G

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    The only thing missing from the backround checks is the german wwII marching music while your waiting
  10. G

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Good luck with this because i got an email from a gun store, all nics checks guns and ammo will now go through the state and if the system gets overwelmed or crashes they cant use the federal check ; what an absolute joke !
  11. G

    F/S 1858 Remington 2 Line Address Early Model

  12. G

    Mossberg 152 NY Legal?

    (deplorable me ) yup, Its got a Cuomo 7 round mag from that fantasy of his, too .what a friggin joke!
  13. G

    Mossberg 152 NY Legal?

    Its a semi auto 22lr made late 40s to mid 50s; it has a fold down part built into the forearm of the stock that becomes a foward grip. Not sure if it goes into that c & r category or what?
  14. G

    F/S 22LR Ammo

    2 bricks of blazer, one is 500 the other 525 then theres about 325 rds mixed of cci federal and armscorp in the plastic cylinder. 100.00 firm located in nassau county exit 43 lie....
  15. G

    Ammo sales from individual to another

    I called a gun store, they said you can only either buy it from a dealer or have it shipped to a gun store.You cant even go in and transfer it from 1 guy to another. I cant believe if this is true how bad its gotten here.I hope someone chimes in with different information.....
  16. G

    Take Tappan Zee Bridge back from Cuomos

    That goose governer we have doesnt seem to interested in making the change and that goblin has to sign it into law if it even makes it to her....
  17. G

    Ammo sales from individual to another

    With these new ammo laws, does this include no private ammo sales from one individual to another? Stupid as this sounds can it be done through a gun store or is this the end of it?
  18. G

    New York City bill INT 873-2023, designating Times Square a crime free zone.

    They should pass this idiodic law in brooklyn queens and the bronx,too that will stop all the crime there ; what a friggin joke .....
  19. G

    The Good Old Days......

    I bought my nylon 66 at a gun show in the 90s for 99.00 still a bargain....
  20. G

    The Good Old Days......

    I think it was early 70s like 1972.I used to love that shotgun news one of the greatest papers to ever come out !
  21. G

    The Good Old Days......

  22. G

    Reloading 223 Vs. buying factory

    I was buying reloads from a guy years ago he made them just for selling; they were good for a few years,1 day i fired one of his 223 rounds, and it wouldnt eject it got stuck in the chamber i used a rubber mallet to hit the charging handle and got it out. that was the last time i bought from...
  23. G

    Biden swapped the arms dealer for the America hating Britney Griner

    That Griner has a man voice im not sure whats going on maybe the Russians couldnt figure out wether to put her in a mens or womans facility and took the deal so they didnt have to figure it out
  24. G

    Biden swapped the arms dealer for the America hating Britney Griner

    I cant believe they traded for that Watusi ....
  25. G

    BREAKING NEWS FROM Target Sports USA (NY Ammo Shipping)

    I was told by a gun store that any ammo backround check wouldnt start untill august ,now theres only 3 days left to get anything or send it to an ffl and pay even more now.
  26. G

    Ammo background check law

    This was posted by DSI last month only ID is required right now....
  27. G

    Ammo background check law

    I was told by a gun store that its not going into effect(the backround check to buy ammo ) untill august of 2024 because their database isnt set up yet..
  28. G

    Portland "We Want To Ban The Sale Of Diesel Fuel In Our City Limits & State

    ^ Oh yeah forgot about that , ok we are screwed....
  29. G

    Pete Buttigieg Admits High Gas Prices are Intentionally Part of the Biden Strategy to Push People to Electric Vehicles

    Just wait down the road when thousands if not millions of batteries need to be replaced or disgarded, and they are highly toxic. Where are they going to go? Way too toxic for a landfill.....
  30. G

    SHOCKING, Saudis tell biden to go pound sand

    ^ Yeah, and guess where hes gonna be sniffing ?
  31. G

    Biden praises High Gas Prices as part of “ Incredible Transition “

    The only transition i see is this fossil winding up on a walker or in a wheelchair...
  32. G

    SHOCKING, Saudis tell biden to go pound sand

    What a discrace, that fossil going to that piece of shit place for oil, when theres enough oil in this country for the next few hundred years....
  33. G

    Report: Kathy Hochul BURIES New York Probe Into Andrew Cuomo's Nursing Home DISASTER

    All i know is 1 thing; get that perverts name off that bridge; it offends me !
  34. G

    Ammo background check law

    Wonder if the few online sellers of ammo who ship to NY will stop on 9/1 ?
  35. G

    House passes gun control Bill – 21 & over for ARs/10 round capacity

    Dont move to Delaware ; they just passed a bill banning 60 types of semi auto pistols,rifles and shotguns, and they took the "grip that protrudes conspicuously below the action of the firearm" word for word from the safe crap,too....
  36. G

    Al-Qaeda Now Has ‘Safe Haven’ In Afghanistan Under Taliban, Operating With ‘Freedom Of Action’: U.N. Report

    I knew Afganstan was a lost cause the day the U.S. went in there.What a waste ......
  37. G

    Governor Hochul Signs Landmark Legislative Package to Strengthen Gun Laws and Protect New Yorkers

    On long island, if this licensing is done through Mineola and Yapank, its gonna be backed up for years.They can barely handle the pistol permits.Good luck standing on those lines.....
  38. G

    Democrats want to tax AR-15 sales 1000%

    I wonder what Eugene Stoner would think about all this if he was still around ?
  39. G

    Governor Hochul Signs Landmark Legislative Package to Strengthen Gun Laws and Protect New Yorkers

    They should microstamp the little dicks on all the democrats.....
  40. G

    Democrats want to tax AR-15 sales 1000%

    Some anus democrat introduced a bill that would require a 1000% tax on military style rifles, and supposedly only needs 50 votes to pass.That means a rifle that is 1000.00 would be taxed 10,000.00 its another backdoor ban these morons are pulling out every trick in the book to stop guns from...
  41. G

    Governor Hochul Signs Landmark Legislative Package to Strengthen Gun Laws and Protect New Yorkers

    Lets see how many more shootings there is in the bronx and brooklyn starting today,even just 1 and it proves this is all a friggin joke....
  42. G

    Can anyone please explain the “other” ban and implications?

    ^ So microstamping means nothing right now ? Just a smokescreen to show they are doing something ?