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  1. S

    New York Proposes Banning Defensive Body Armor (S9407)

    We can't even keep anyone in jail for the length of the original sentence.
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    If that could be accomplished before the next wave of 10 year olds die then great, wonderful, where do I sign. Want that as a goal, I am on board. But here we are, and there are immediate issues that require immediate solutions. Fix society? Let's talk rationally and truthfully. In the meantime...
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    Regional police chiefs’ association head says mental well-being must be considered before gun buys

    In collogiual terms this is called focusing on the low hanging fruit.
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    So looking at some new reports, the focus is on the last 50 minutes rather than the first 5. The last 50 is where we see parents in the parking lot bring restrained. By then it was mostly over. Just saw a video with an expert saying that in most mass shootings, most of the shooting happens in...
  5. S

    Deputy Uses Service Weapon to Kill Son, Wife, Self.

    That, plus the lawsuit she wins from being shot by a cops weapon should give her plenty of money after she is acquitted. Maybe this will convince folks to skip the gofundme until all the facts come out.
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    I think they know exactly who left it open, it is on video that being erased as we type
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    2600 is easy to save when you have no other bills. Hell the monster here has more than that in her account and she has worked 4 hours a week for a year. But she has no rent, no food, no healthcare, no transportation, no insurance, no clothing and no property tax bills.
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    So this is real easy to solve. A camera at each door, they are pretty cheap, I have 4 of them around my house for about 100 altogether. Door sensors, again, fairly cheap unless you get bank vault quality that Tom cruise cannot defeat. Each of my doors has them, of course anyone in my house...
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    Why opened, to go get her cell phone. No seriously, that is what I read someplace. Why left propped open after she returned, well, that will be destined for conspiracy fodder.
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    Guns are now the leading cause of death for American children

    More data you will never see. Hell, most of the crime stats at FBI site is 2019. But magically they can state this fact but cannot publish the raw data for 2+ years.
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    Deputy Uses Service Weapon to Kill Son, Wife, Self.

    How does this even happen. If a public company did not have controls in place, they would be fined into the ground. Oh, Sherrifs office, perfectly fine. Between January of 2020 and July of 2021, investigators say 13 transfers were successfully made into the joint account of Karen and Isaac...
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    We will probably never know
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    Here is the text for posterity 11:40 a.m.: Ramos walked into the west side of the school through an unlocked door, Texas Department of Public Safety regional director Victor Escalon said in a press conference Thursday. 11:43 a.m.: Robb Elementary School posts to Facebook that the campus has...
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    That is why i said if true, fluid situation, but have seen a few reports of this: Scroll down past his childhood to 11:40, and if you do not like this source, plenty of otjers
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    And sadly, would not be reported so he would not get in trouble because she is a good Grandmother who is unwilling to admit that her grandson may have issues. We talked about the culture thing above, but in that same context, how many parents or grandparents are willing to admit that their kids...
  16. S

    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    Agree, and since we have a large, probably half, a country that is unwilling to condemn 12 individual shootings in Chicago, in one weekend, with the same fervor and outrage as 12 murders at one time elsewhere, maybe a week or so ago, we cannot begin to even address those root causes. So the...
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    Yeah, would agree wholeheartedly, but not a quick fix at all. You will also never hear that sentiment from a presidents, or probably any other politicians mouth without being in the context of white supremacy, or leftists, or deplorables or some other modifier that takes culpability away from...
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    Unfortunately, we may find out very quickly. Seriously though, we know how this goes. One school shooting is thwarted by a SRO, very little attention. One mass shooting is stopped by a armed bystander, crickets. One kid is killed by stray bullet from responding officer chasing a suspect, media...
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    And what is the root cause here? Serious question, not being sarcastic at all, just curious as to your thoughts, maybe I missed them before.
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    I agree, to me (being untrained), that had to be done in the first minutes. Hell, they had police tape up in those videos, looks like a lot of it. Was the moment of chasing and harassing the shooter into making a mistake, or into an ambush already gone? My fear in this situation, as well as...
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    These videos of the cops holding back the crowds look bad indeed, but how much help would it have been if the parents were rushing the school? More victims? cops not knowing who the threat really was? Parents getting shot? I agree that these cops with body armor and rifles shouldn't have been...
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    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    Maybe Got a picture of the nurse? It matters. Seriously though, you are 110% correct.
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    An Arrest Done The Right Way

    Heartwarming video
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    Wow. 8.39% school tax increase possibly coming in my town

    Just like every other politician. And if they are unpaid, they are there for the power and prestige, and in this state, they keep that by siding with the union and administration.