Well I already bought an Anderson lower from runnings for 50 bucks, I got a Patrick Henry for like 30 after shipping. I don't think I'd venture into complete upper assembly until I have more money and understand head spacing, I just wanna be able to beat the hell out of it like I do my ak but...
Is PSA as ghetto as he is saying it is, those daily deals do look pretty inticing I just don't want to get got. I'm hours away from this purchase and it could change a lot, even to a different company based on what you NY gun folk tell me, I have no reason to think you'd want to F-me.
I would never do a fixed mag the thought of having to break the gun to reload is so stupid. I'll either send it to a shop to get it pinned and welded or file the threads off and jb weld a cap on to hid the hack job.
Its hard to decide, should i get the wylde for a little more accuracy between rounds and longer barrel? Is nickle boron all that? Will the pencil barrel have bad accuracy?
PSA 16"...
It's funny my first gun purchase was a Saiga x39, got it from herbphilipsons, I knew nothing about the gun and nothing about aks really and had some college refund money burning a hole in my pocket, I paid 649 out the door and now they are going close to a grand on gun broker. I wish I could...
I've wondered if the Beowulf mags that are specifically made for that can have the followers changed and lips bent a little and now you have 30rd. I guess I have to buy a 50 upper before I can speculate that way I'd have a better defense.
I guess I was just wondering how you guys think it would feel to weld on a little finger tab to the trigger guard while it had a spur grip. I've held an AR with a spur and it was tollerable and one I build mine with the trigger guard I feel pretty confident I've just never healed an Ak with a spur.
What's the best store in the Oneida county area to get ammo shipped to that just charges a cheap flat rate and not by the pound ax tactical wanst 50 cents a pound and money. I'm willing to drive 30 mins. Looking to buy a couple thousand rounds to save money.
I'm currently building an AR and I've gotten into the whole spur grip Patrick Henry thing and I like it. Well I'm an AK guy through and through and I love my saiga, got her at herbs for 600 a while back, I want to convert it one day and get as close to traditional as possible, all the plum...