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  1. phatfarmerbob

    Chainsaw Sharpening, filing Rakers, tips, and tricks.

    I use this and I touch up the chain after every other tank of gas. A sharp chain is so much more efficient and also easier on the saw and safer!
  2. phatfarmerbob

    Union Pacific Curtails Fertilizer Shipments, Delaying Deliveries and Preventing New Rail Orders from Being Taken

    Anytime. It’s a bit of a hike for you but if your in the area let me know. When I’m in the thick of it I don’t have much time to give a tour but if I know your coming I can make myself available. Late afternoon (after 6 ) mornings are a nonstarter no matter what, just too much going on. It’d be...
  3. phatfarmerbob

    Union Pacific Curtails Fertilizer Shipments, Delaying Deliveries and Preventing New Rail Orders from Being Taken

    Look at the first four plants. I forgot to turn on the fertilizer when I started this row. This is healthy soil lots of organic matter lots of earth worms, pretty much perfect. This is what happens without fertilizer. Can I get tomatoes off it ? Yes! Can I get enough for people I don’t know ? NO!!
  4. phatfarmerbob

    Union Pacific Curtails Fertilizer Shipments, Delaying Deliveries and Preventing New Rail Orders from Being Taken

    Short answer.. no long answer honestly we should all take a break for a year or two but I’m afraid there’s always a few that would cash in on the huge increase in prices. Ppl need to wake the fuck up and stop messing with the farmers … I can grow enough food for me and my friends and for...
  5. phatfarmerbob

    Union Pacific Curtails Fertilizer Shipments, Delaying Deliveries and Preventing New Rail Orders from Being Taken

    Nope. If they don’t get the N the yield will be wayyy off. This year and only get worst. These new varieties depend on high N
  6. phatfarmerbob

    Electricity is Cheap But for How Long

    That’s what CH charged me.. I don’t have solar
  7. phatfarmerbob

    Pressure canning, gonna finally start.

    We made about 40 quarts of spaghetti sauce, and 40 jars of potato leak soup/broccoli cheddar/and butternut bisque. Came out great. The reason for the big canner is since your running a batch might as well be able to put two layers in at a time it’s very time efficient that way
  8. phatfarmerbob

    Pressure canning, gonna finally start.

    I got the big all American .. beautiful craftsmanship you won’t be dissatisfied. I did a lot of research. Just my thoughts
  9. phatfarmerbob

    Electricity is Cheap But for How Long

    .21 kWh on my last bill…
  10. phatfarmerbob

    Economics of home freeze drying. My very limited experience

    I did 4 trays of pealed garlic … man that was pungent! I ran it through the food processor and put it in ball jars with an O2 absorber. then I took the rack out of the FD machine and put the jars in. I ran the vacuum pump for 10-15 sec and it sealed the jars like a champ!
  11. phatfarmerbob

    Housing prices up almost 20% in a year

    Have friends with 3 kids, had a really nice house and cashed in last year. Big payday. Been living in an apartment ever since cause can’t afford the houses they want. That rent is gonna eat up all that profit real fast… bad move imho
  12. phatfarmerbob

    John Kerry Promises U.N. $10 Billion in U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Annually for ‘Climate Crisis’

    Really makes it tough to pay my taxes… like WTF am I gonna give you my money so you can just give it to other countries… and for nonsense at that !
  13. phatfarmerbob

    Why You Need Alcohol in Your Emergency Stockpile

    Back when the “freeze dried alcohol” was a thing it wasn’t really freeze dried it was somehow encapsulated 90 proof that you added water to ( or juice or whatever liquid) I know this because I wanted to freeze dry Tito’s and researched it
  14. phatfarmerbob

    Why You Need Alcohol in Your Emergency Stockpile

    Can’t do it … the alcohol won’t freeze
  15. phatfarmerbob

    I need an affordable home security/camera set up, advice needed.
  16. phatfarmerbob

    I need an affordable home security/camera set up, advice needed.

    There’s a huge thread on that here. I didn’t want to hardwire either but I’m glad I did. All the info is on there @NYGuns is a guru!
  17. phatfarmerbob

    High natural gas prices leading to lower fertilizer production. Perfect storm on the horizon?

    We were told to expect at minimum 1,000.00$ a ton for fertilizer this spring. But most likely more . For reference last year our average cost was 415.00$ not growing any field corn and cutting back on some of the more labor intensive crops. I personally hate growing less as I can usually move...
  18. phatfarmerbob

    Biden's First State of the Union

    Can’t sue gun manufacturers? Didn’t the sandy hook folks just sue Remington? Can’t sue the vax companies either dickwad
  19. phatfarmerbob

    Biden's First State of the Union

    Deer wear Kevlar to avoid the hundred round ghost gun clips!!! Duh
  20. phatfarmerbob

    Biden's First State of the Union

    Not sure apparently her and Greene were heckling all night hahaha
  21. phatfarmerbob

    Biden's First State of the Union

    So it was a republican from Colorado when he said something about flag draped coffins she said yeah there was 13
  22. phatfarmerbob

    FDNY FF arrested in ‘ghost gun’ trafficking sting

    Yea I bought a shotgun from psa in sc face to face.. went through the whole rigamoroll and the guy comes out and says “boss says we can’t sell to Ny residents”. So I ordered it online ( was a killer deal I couldn’t pass) and had it shipped. picked it up from FFL and told him the story … he’s...
  23. phatfarmerbob

    Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Is Likely the World’s Largest Vehicle Convoy in History

    I got a load of promix on Wednesday and I said to the driver “surprised you came thought you’d be on the convoy” he says “ oh I got time to get back I’ll be in Ottawa on Saturday, and I’m vaxxed that’s not what it’s about. These ppl were eating tomatoes last January because of us and calling us...
  24. phatfarmerbob

    Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Is Likely the World’s Largest Vehicle Convoy in History

    Dude there’s still time to get your rig up ther by Saturday!!!
  25. phatfarmerbob

    IRS Will Require Facial Recognition Scans to Access Your Taxes Online

    Yup I just did it to pay my estimated..
  26. phatfarmerbob

    UPCOMING NY STATE CLASSES (Wappingers Falls, Carmel, Cooperstown, Cortlandt Manor)

    Can I bring my son to a class? He’ll be 15 in April, if I understand correctly he can shoot pistol with me until he’s 21.
  27. phatfarmerbob

    NY S.A.F.E was passed 9 years ago. Your Permit must be renewed every 5 Do the math.

    I bought an LC9 County listed it as an LCP I certified with NYSP at the last minute Two years later I was going over my serial #s and writing stuff down to put in a lockbox and realized the error. Made a special trip to county clerk and sure enough I had it right on my application and they...
  28. phatfarmerbob

    No More Heating With Firewood In New York?

    My kids favorite part of Christmas is burning the boxes and wrapping paper lol
  29. phatfarmerbob

    No More Heating With Firewood In New York?

    In the top five most favorite purchases in my life
  30. phatfarmerbob

    No More Heating With Firewood In New York?

    Prolly,, that’s how they’ll do it .. strike it from homeowners insurance... they can get fucked idc
  31. phatfarmerbob

    No More Heating With Firewood In New York?

    I will never stop burning wood and I will never leave the land of my forefathers.. Plus the dogs will eat me if I let the fire go out
  32. phatfarmerbob

    The 'Truth in Vaccination' law NY State

    I will live and die a pure blood it’s my line in the sand period... as well as my wife and our son.. untill he’s 18 then i guess we’ll find out if we did a good job raising him. had they not pushed and gaslighted so hard who knows I may have already gotten it but the writing is on the wall IMHO
  33. phatfarmerbob

    Looking into buying a cow, 1/2 a cow or a quarter of a cow. Looking for deeper input.

    The best price on that list is the eggs... the beef price ain’t bad either I wouldn’t be afraid of that. I Once bought a whole cow, sold half to friends for a markup and mine was free! Granted it was a good price I paid and I did all the arrangements and transport
  34. phatfarmerbob

    Anyone winter hike

    It doesn’t, you pack it with snowshoes or whatever before setting up the tent. Then I made a mat I sewed a gortex/thinsulate/nylon “rug” that goes between the cots so you can walk around in socks. Nothing in front of the stove or where we stack the wood or under the cots the snow just gets hard...
  35. phatfarmerbob

    Anyone winter hike

    Wood stove,
  36. phatfarmerbob

    Anyone winter hike

    Dude, this is where it’s at! See that pipe sticking out of the tent it was 5° below and 20 mph wind that night and 70° on the tent, no bugs no people ...
  37. phatfarmerbob

    Any trappers here?

    Pretty sure fisher closed today... never got a chance to set this year. Really disappointed
  38. phatfarmerbob

    Deer Tag Explanation

    Yes thank you that’s the term that was escaping me
  39. phatfarmerbob

    Deer Tag Explanation

    Pretty sure can be transferred just sign where it says transfer and the person who gets it records it on their back tag
  40. phatfarmerbob

    Deer Tag Explanation

    It’s a DMP tag Doe only the reason male is an option is if it’s a button buck or a buck that lost its horns
  41. phatfarmerbob

    Biden Admin Weighing Shutting Down Oil Pipeline In Michigan Nov 5, 2021

    They won by blatant cheating last time ... 81 million votes my ass
  42. phatfarmerbob

    The inflation rate is stunning ..... Data shows actual declines in wages for full time workers. Full blown recession is here

    Hahaha when I was road tripping with my buddy back in 05 we were on empty at that station. I was pissed cause gas was 3.50 and only put in 10 gallons( which was enough to get 60 miles in my old ass class c motor home). That’s hysterical
  43. phatfarmerbob

    Saturday morning shooting startles residents

    It was duck opener for youth today I heard shots too it made me smile...
  44. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    This is the biggest sellable tomato I have ever grown ( by sellable I mean good shape, no cracks or deformation) 1.88 pounds
  45. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    Tomato season it is... that damn hurricane then the 3 days of heat right after didn’t help tho...
  46. phatfarmerbob

    Farmers Cry Foul over Biden’s Death Tax Proposal

    do we really own anything now? Honest question If gov wants your land or home they just take it, if a private business wants your land for the “public good” gov let’s them take it If you don’t pay your taxes they just take it. I have some very strong feelings about this.
  47. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    It’s just a matter of perspective... compared to farms in Florida and California all I’m doing is gardening... they probably drop that many tomatoes on the ground when they make a turn with the mechanical harvester.