20×102mm Vulcan

Alarming Wage Report Not Being Discussed in Financial Media - Blue Collar Wages DECREASED in Third Quarter, While Inflation Skyrocketed - The Last Refuge
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the third quarter review of average weekly wages [Main Data Here]. The results of the year-over-year comparison should alarm everyone. This is a very serious data point that likely means we are in a recession, it just has not been quantified yet...

Weekly wages went up a sum total of seven bucks [$7/1,000 = 0.7%] year over year. THAT is ridiculously low. However, worse yet look at all the categories of workers who saw an actual decline in wages. This is not a decline in wage value, this is an actual decline in net wages earned. WAGES HAVE DROPPED !
This is not only saying wages are failing to keep up with inflation, that part is beyond obvious, the data shows actual declines in wages for full time workers. This is far more concerning, check that…. this is four alarm fire – running around the neighborhood naked and panicked level concerning… when you take actual declines in wages and factor in the September inflation numbers [Main Data Here].
The inflation rate is stunning [Table 7 data Here]. Examples: Beef costs 20% more (year over year). Bacon costs 20% more. Eggs cost 12% more. Peanut butter costs 10% more. Home heating oil costs 42% more. Unleaded gasoline costs 43% more. Natural gas costs 20% more. Used cars are 24% more. The list goes on (SEE HERE).
I don’t have to tell you this, you can see it in your receipt at the grocery store and in the gas pumps at your local convenient store. But the point is that massive inflation is eating our paychecks and the inflation is getting worse, not better. Prices continue to skyrocket and the dollar continues to be weakened.
When you overlay the inflation, massive price increases in critical goods that middle-class Americans purchase every day; and when you overlay the massive energy cost increases and the cost of home heating oil this winter; and THEN you consider the reality that wages are actually lower than a year ago, well, it is a perfect storm.
This is beyond stagflation because the economy is not only stagnant with inflation high, but also because actual weekly wages have dropped. Overall Main Street consumer purchasing is now focused on staple goods like housing, food, fuel and energy costs.