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  1. 2

    The Obamas' new $5.3m DC home

    Eh, I'll say it.... Nice looking house.
  2. 2

    NYPD Seeks Cure For Gun Violence !

    Doctors cure (or attempt to) illnesses don't they? Don't they need crazy insurance to work? Is each member of the NYPD going to get malpractice insurance to continue to work? (sorry for the good ones) Anyway, I have an easy cure for "Gun violence". Make saying "Gun violence" illegal and there...
  3. 2

    New faces in politics, times are slowly changing (for the best).

    Don't know about CCM but check out for background on Kamala. Might as well put Cuomo or another Schumer in her shoes.
  4. 2

    Democrats a mess as infighting mars first post election meeting

    Too bad they weren't meeting in Thunderdome.
  5. 2

    Chelsea being groomed to run for Congress

    OMG. That is not a flattering comparison...
  6. 2

    I just have to say thanks to the liberal media

    The quick closing of the investigation could also have motivated more people to vote against Hillary. I mean it took them 15 months to review how many emails and then only a few days for 650k emails to say no charges?
  7. 2

    Can the Fed make the SAFE Act illegal?

    Maybe for another topic but will Trump release the Fast and Furious documents? They could be used as evidence to show how insidious the anti-2nd amendment movement is and that we need stronger/clearer pro-2A laws overturning fed/state unlawful restrictions.
  8. 2

    DNC’s Paid Left-Wing Moonbats March Again – Cupcake Nation Protests…

    I've seen this movie. Just need to hold out until morning for Gandalf and the Riders of Rohan to sweep them away.
  9. 2

    Great news for us Trumpers!

  10. 2

    Rush Limbaugh: ‘George W. Bush, Laura Bush Voted for Hillary Clinton Today’

    Saddam did have WMDs and our troops did find them. Just not the ones they said he had as a reason to invade. The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons
  11. 2

    Great news for us Trumpers!

    Maybe Trump can appoint Billy head of the TSA.
  12. 2

    Great news for us Trumpers!

    And a little late now...
  13. 2

    Great news for us Trumpers!

    Kicked... ;)
  14. 2

    Great news for us Trumpers!

    Of course. Which is why saying he wouldn't just accept the results wasn't an "OMG I can't believe that" moment like everyone made it out to be.
  15. 2

    Great news for us Trumpers!

    Forget her speech. I want to hear what she's saying in private now. And did anyone have a count on the number of vases in the room?
  16. 2

    Great news for us Trumpers!

    What, not accepting the results?
  17. 2

    Great news for us Trumpers!

    While showing the dems headquarters, I just noticed the stage is in the shape of America. Guess America isn't quite ok with her standing on it...
  18. 2

    I Voted..

    Did my part. More crowded than I expected.
  19. 2

    Three People Have Now Testified That Cuomo Knew About Bridgegate

    An understanding that they lay off and the head of the Republican Governors Association doesn't back the Republican gov challenger in NY?
  20. 2

    Outdated 2nd Amendment

    I've always thought that safe storage laws shouldn't be mandated but encouraged by being tax deductible as well. You're not going to force someone who doesn't want to to use one. You can help someone who wants to though. Carrot, not stick.
  21. 2

    Outdated 2nd Amendment

    I wouldn't leave it at just "shall not be infringed" though. I would add " shall not be infringed, restricted, or otherwise denied." Yes they all mean the same thing but saying it once isn't getting the point across.