Some of the morons on the left are dreaming. Yet the few with any brains would not support it. Why While there would not be an all out Civil War, the shit would hit the fan big time. Old Glory would have two sisters flying next to her
Gadsden Flag and
Battle Flag
^^ this. But mine are all DUMB. I asked them a question. Still waiting for an answer. Oh and I think they are all sissys too.
Not A one ever discharged a round with a finger on the trigger. Guess they are not deadly weapons
Not the best idea the morons have had . Now the S.S. knows and they will take steps to counter the disruption . Plus Trump has one of the best [if not the best] private security forces.
Which brings up a question. WTF do they think will happen ? A magic judge will say, ok your right...
First they were NOT bikers. Just a of riders bunch on rice. What went down before is still up for debate.
Now if anyone or group tries to stop me while I am driving the BEAST [as my Mrs. calls it] they will be real flat real fast.
Lets see which is better .45ACP or a 3 1/2 ton V TEN...
Now you understand why FUAC and his little c ock suckers past the UN-Safe act. Just a start my friends, a little at a time. Common sense gun laws and It is for the children. Those both make want to fukin puke because we all now fukin assholes who believe that
Question ? How would this come...
The entire debate was a set up bullshit from the word go.
Very surprised Trump agreed to it. And kept his cool when attacked by a so call neutral moderator.
When I went to High school , they had a shooting club. Seniors only with all kinds of parental permission.. It included hours of class room safety before you even touched a rifle, which was bolt action ,single shot .22 only. Range in the basement was second to none. The waiting list to get on...
If there was a large group of thug lives matter the PD would already be there. A long the wall , right at Automotive to The Mrs [ and Niece in my case]. Go back to garden [ or receiving] If. it gets real stupid, there are a lot of things in automotive and hardware [ that burn] to pick up...
Just came over from the other side.. Same name different avatar.
Thanks for the free beer. How do I get another one ?????
I have a bunch of new stupid questions to lay on you.