6.5 Creedmoor
So MAGNUS was out at his local Walmart like so many normal people do. He left his family in the women's department, while he went to the shooting supplies. BLM was peacefully protesting nearby when they decided to inform Walmart shoppers of their movement. Armed with his 1911 and spare magazine (14 rds total), also this box of 50 rds Magnus was lawfully going to purchase. Black dots are rioters( plotstyles only print black and wasn't intentional).
1. Where are the rioters more likely to go?
2.Who gets a bullet who gets a pass?
3.Which route would you take?
4.What is your mindset in the Walmart?

1. Where are the rioters more likely to go?
2.Who gets a bullet who gets a pass?
3.Which route would you take?
4.What is your mindset in the Walmart?