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  1. phatfarmerbob

    Predictions on the upcoming presidential election

    When I signed today on the tablet my old signature popped up and they compared it. They do know me anyway...
  2. phatfarmerbob

    Observations and thoughts on this election day

    Got there at 6:30 out by 7:15 A guy and his kid both had MAGA hoodies on pickup in the lot with a trump flag
  3. phatfarmerbob

    Shotgun Storage

    correct me if I’m wrong but if the child has a hunting license, your exempt
  4. phatfarmerbob

    2020 Gardening Thread

    I would say average is 5 to 1 Most save their seed, I personally haven’t been successful doing that so I buy seed every year
  5. phatfarmerbob

    2020 Gardening Thread

    Seed garlic google it , be ready to pay 10-15$ a pound Plant and mulch with straw late October Any hardneck will do, German White is Easy with 7-8 large cloves If your in Orange County pm me and I’ll get you some for 6$ a pound I’m planting 1200 pounds this year.
  6. phatfarmerbob

    2020 Gardening Thread

    Old tires
  7. phatfarmerbob

    2020 Gardening Thread

    Here’s a few more pics since last time I posted on this thread.
  8. phatfarmerbob

    2020 Gardening Thread

    And just like that it’s over... might scrounge a few from underneath but the days of 50-80 boxes a day are over. My Hail Mary planting got cooked too, it was about 5 days from first picking, but that’s the way it goes some years. I wanted to hit 5000 cases this season but fell short from this...
  9. phatfarmerbob

    F/S H&R 622 - 22LR Revolver

    I want it but have to wait till November, you cool with that? If you are pm me and I’ll PayPal you a deposit
  10. phatfarmerbob

    2020 Gardening Thread

    Ohhh boy ... you’d be in trouble with grandpa. Stems Off before they go in the basket :ROFL: