I wouldn't rush and plan your cross country trip with you favorite handgun yet . I hope someday I can be told I was wrong about this but I'm betting I will never see it.
Never going to happen.And if it did ,states would make up there own laws and shove it in the peoples ass. You would have a better chance of seeing every female in" Gunners Bar" parade up your street naked . Wake up sheeple , reciprocity carry is never going to happen.
Never shot deer with one but as a teen I would come home every night from school and grab dads Rem 788 in 243,jump on the three wheeler and go shoot woodchucks. Love that rifle,one of the best shooters we had.Shes getting a little tired now but I think she has a few more kills left in her.
Oh this is bringing back cravings I had for one of these last year. I would give a left nut for a AR in 7mm-08 .One of the best calibers I owned was this in a Rem BDL. After many hours finding a load it like and a bedding job in the stock it was one of the best shooting rifles I have owned.Well...
Fuck that scumbag Schumer.I hope he dies the most agonizing death to the worst cancer known to man.Ya I know ,some will say that I should not wish that on any human,and I agree,but he isn't human.
Well I just jumped on the Creedmore wagon as well.Just bought a Savage BA Stealth. Will be in Tuesday so hopefully will get some shooting in next weekend. Cant wait.
lol , Boy has to start buying the better quality drugs,that cheap shit is gonna get him killed,with any luck. He better do some research on what high caliber ammo and explosives do to flesh before his mouth rights checks his little ass cant cash
Wow,can you imagine being the poor person that has to live with her,or the kids she teaches. What a miserable rotten cunt . I can only hope some day there will be a youtube video of someone punching her right in the mouth.
so how is this going to work with 22 lr ? they don't cell 20 rounds of 22 lr do they and last I knew there was 22lr that qualified as there dumb ass assault weps.Fucking idiot tax payers in this state better wake up soon,this is going to snowball into a shit ton of different ammo in short order.
If I had known that brain dead twat was the one in the article spewing her bullshit, I never would have clicked the link. You guys need to warn us when posting links like this. Life is to short to be wasting my time reading such garbage.
I predict Chuckie single handedly destroys the Democratic party if he keeps doing what hes doing.At least that's my dream. As far as that twat waffle Amy,who cares what she says or thinks.
Otsego is 5 min as well . Go in they add or remove handgun and print off a new card . When we switched from paper to plastic cards it took maybe 10 minutes to do. Verify that my guns matched what they had on file and take a picture and poof , they printed off the cards and done.
The reason I live in the country.My nearest neighbor in 200 yards away . I can piss off my porch ,if I want, and nobody cares. I shoot and nobody cares. Pretty much anything I want to do on my property and no one gives a shit,kinda the way its supposed to be .
I tried that once many years ago.I quit for two weeks and was so miserable she came home with a twelve pack and told me to drink it or she was leaving me.So I drank it,who am I to argue.
She is keeper,she puts up with alot of B.S. from me, but she knows I wouldnt make it a week without her, and she is right. Ive been with her for35 plus years and can not imagine a day without her. As for the magwell,its crossed my mind.
Well if the baby eagle is as reliable as a full size DE,I hope who ever carries it for a self defence gun, has a good throwing arm because thats about all you can reliably do with one. Throw that sum bitch and run like hell
lol well ya I could have done that . Cant complain though,she let me pick up a Canik TP9SF Saturday as well.Ill try to see if I can post pics sometime soon of the two new additions .The Glocks are getting a little worried ,Ive been showing the Canik alot of extra attention the last two days.
Not so much the money as it is the use.I just dont shoot rifle much anymore.Dont have the time to reload or shoot like I once did.
I had to have a Mossberg MVP when they came out and I bet I dont have two boxes down the barrel in the two years its been here. Hell I forget I even have it most of...
I almost picked up a creed in a ruger precision a while back.Just couldnt justify the 1200 for the gun and another 1500 for a decent piece of glass. I dont shoot rifle enough anymore to put 3 grand into a rifle to collect dust. Instead I got the 1911 and picked up a Canik TP9SF ,something ill...
I have a G26,was the first handgun I bought.Love it,total reliability and pretty easy to conceal. I now carry it as a backup to my 19.And the reason I carry it as a backup,and not something else is, if the 19 goes down the 19 mag will fit in the 26 .
Well there is the problem.She never asks for anything .Never throughout the year do I get a hint of anything she wants.Shes always been more into buying things for others and never herself.Once in a blue moon she will buy a pair of sneakers or something and then she complains about spending the...
Thanks everyone.She is a great wife.Been married to her for 29 years and cant imagine a day without her.Not sure why she puts up with me though but glad she does.
AWESOME. She took me to the LGS today and told me I could get anything I wanted for Xmas. So after pondering the inventory i ordered
1911 Loaded .45ACP Handgun | Top Custom Pistols for Sale
It was either this or a RugerPrecision rifle. I decided I shoot handgun more these days than rifle so I...
Talks cheap professor , put up or shut up. I dont think you have a hair on your liberal ass to even touch a gun,you sure dont have the balls to shoot one
Otsego county is green.Very easy to get and no restrictions.Just get three references,finger prints and photo,pay the hundred buck and wait a few months to get it.I have not heard of any restrictions here in years and years
depending on the time of year and cloths i have on.Summer time its a shield 9mm at 4 oclock and a G26 ankle and winter when i have bulky cloths it a G19 at 4 oclock and G26 on ankle