Tucker Carlson is my favorite fox guy now
She needs a kick in the grill. Seriously, she is so crazy. She is a perfect representation of the loony left.She needs a good "Caveman". Ya know, dragged around by her hair.
She needs a kick in the grill. Seriously, she is so crazy. She is a perfect representation of the loony left.
I am no dentist but I think that she has dentures I think she's been kicked in the teethShe needs a kick in the grill. Seriously, she is so crazy. She is a perfect representation of the loony left.
Mao would fit that title pretty close also.Hitler was unstable, delusional answer self loathing but Stalin may well have been the most paranoid human in existence!
The same way she perceives some peoples views as Fascism others might see hers as Marxism / Leninism.
Fascism was really bad and extreme but was Leninism better?
I'm pretty sure that kill number would be a lot higher for the fascists if imperial japan was included.I think a big difference is Adolph killed the "other"
Stalin was happy killing everyone including his own, especially his own !
Judging by the backbiting and the Democratic Party I'm going to say Stalin is apropos
He figured the more rope he gave her, the higher she'd hang herself, he was right.Mine to but he let this bitch off the hook. I kept waiting for him to call her out but he didn't!
it is only a matter of time before she goes over the line and I will Be SO HAPPY, when she does!